Monday, April 20, 2009

Haiku on Arizona

Sandpaper white lips
The marrow sucked from my bones -
Still, good to be home.

(I also wanted to say, "My nose is so moisture-less it tingles and hurts to breathe," but it didn't fit in the syllable scheme.)

(Also, I love this woman even more in real life, if it's possible.)

(I'm going to be a really bad commentator this week. Apologies.)

(Aren't parentheses fun?!)


  1. Being loved is my favorite feeling in the world!!!!

    Oh -- white lips, dry noses... today was only 95! Just wait until summer kicks in!

  2. My nose bleeds every time we go there. The 14 hour airplane ride doesn't help.

    Maybe we can die of heat-stroke together. If you are looking for me, just look for the crusty bloody nosed lady (eek... I just called myself a lady. Does that mean I am getting old?)

  3. you are there already?! wow. have fun with all the settling in!

  4. On the plus side, there's a FABULOUS zoo in Arizona. I went there when we visited my Mother in Law. Good luck.

  5. Your just there house hunting, right? You couldn't have moved already? Could you super woman??
    Love your Haiku.

  6. Use sunblock! And lots of deodorant. And drink lots and lots of water.

    At least it's a dry heat. Right?

  7. You are there already?! How did you do that? You must just be checking things out, or you hired a really good moving company...

  8. The great news is, your body will adjust. At least that's what they tell me every time we visit Sam's family and I turn into an alligator. Problem is, by the time I start adjusting, it's time for us to go. But you won't have that problem!

    ps. I love the strike outs over the things you've done. What a fun idea!

  9. I'm waiting for every post. I know we won't hear from you as often, but I can't wait to follow your story.

  10. You'll get used to it for sure! I am still so jealous of was my favorite place I have ever lived. :)

  11. It still feels like you're going to be forever away but I'm excited for you nonetheless!

  12. My body has not adjusted and it has been five years....I sweat in places that should not be sweating:-) I will try to get a hold of you somehow and we can have you over for dinner and show you the south side:-)
    We can see downtown from our windows!

  13. So did you find a house?

    (Good luck with the packing, egad!)

  14. Yay! Back in the states!! I'm happy for you.

  15. I'm assuming that you are here in the States then? I get nose bleeds everytime I go to Utah---I can imagine what it is like in AZ....

    Hope things are going well!

  16. I love haiku's...they are succinct and yours is quite sweet.

    so, are you guys now the Americans living in North AMerica now? ;)

  17. I worry that you might be moving to the hotest place on the planet. Please don't melt. I like reading your blog too much.


  18. Welcome back to the states! I hope the change goes smoothly for you. Miss your jungle yet?

  19. I've been in Flagstaff the past few days--70s for highs and 40s for lows--it was perfect weather!

    Not so fun to return home and find high 90s/low 100s for temperatures! Really--normal temps this time of year should be in the 80s for highs, even in Phoenix (which it looks like it will be next week)...sorry you caught the middle of a 15-degrees-higher-than-normal heat wave.

  20. hello "rebecca" (goin' all grown up on me;) hey my mom and sister still live in az, the phx area (more specifically gilbert right now) but we've been there for the past 11 years???? can it be that long? anyways, and brad and i were in flagstaff for 2.5 ys, mom knows a lot of tucson. so if you have questions please email me and use me as a resource! or you can call me (928)225-0321 (my cell)... a little nervous posting my # but hey, if it'll help i'll put up with a few prank calls! (i hope that shows what a good friend i am! =) good luck!


Go ahead, make me smile.