Wednesday, May 6, 2009

From my house to yours

The Three Bay B Chicks are hosting a "Chick Chat" every other Wednesday about varying topics across the board. Today's is "Life in Your Part of the World." Since my part of the world is rather unusual, they asked me to participate. I was honored to do so.

Other participants include:
Sue from My Home Wellingtontown (New Zealand)
Siobhan from Wandering the World (Egypt)
Laura from Under the Sheets…Shhh (California)

Make sure to check them all out - I'm sure they don't huff and blink half as many times as I do.


  1. Terrific video. I was glad to hear so many great things about "your" country. You are adorable too!

  2. Dude. Wigging out about hearing your voice and seeing your facial expressions when you talk. It's like your blog voice was one person, and this is a completely different person. Now I'm trying to mesh the two. Okay, seriously. If you're ever in Utah, and if I'm ever in Utah, we should grab Heidi and catch lunch. :)

  3. I'm with Janae; it was a little weird, but a good weird. Kind of like when you read a book and have a characters face and voice in your head, then watch a movie and it's totally different, but the director did it better than you did. I would love to visit Brazil one day; you make it sound lovely.

  4. I will miss your posts from Brasil, they have made me so much closer to our very precious foreign exchange student. Thank you.

  5. YOu could seriously be a news reporter! You have such a great voice and you spoke so clearly and eloquently!

  6. What a wonderful video and I love how I can hear your babies in the background:) I loved our recent trip to Brazil where we went to Buzios, Ipanema and Paraty. I am so glad to do Chick Chat with you. Great job!!

  7. Hey everyone - she really doesn't sound like that - she still has her head cold!! :-) Not that you sound bad sweetie - just isn't your normal voice! If I had to describe your voice I would say perky and bubbly (yea I know - your two favorite words...)

  8. I think I would have guessed a little nasal congestion, but yes well done. One nit-picky thing... No mention of futbol?!?

  9. What a cool idea! I was awesome to hear about your experiences there. very neat!

  10. Craziness is blogger girl voices/faces coming to life! It always throws me for a loop. But where was the huffing and blinking? I was so disappointed after that set-up...

  11. I didn't see any huffing and blinking either. You are a babe! Loved it. I can't wait to visit Brazil someday with my Brazilian family. If you're ever in Utah I want to be invited to your lunch too!

  12. Absolutely brilliant, my friend! I loved this. Loved seeing your face, loved hearing your voice (even if your Mom (?) is right and you are sick.) Thank you for participating. This is exactly the type of video I was hoping for. Wonderful to get a glimpse into life in Brazil.

    Thank you again!!


  13. :) Loved it! Great job. I love learning about all of these awesome places in the world. Thank you...

  14. hello from new zealand! loved your video. i wish i could have been outside, but i would have drowned and frozen to death! great to 'meet' you!

  15. Just as lovely as I would have thought, and even more eloquent. How fun to "see" you in all your glory! :)

  16. I found your blog over at Wandering the World. That was a fun, interesting Vlog you did!

  17. Great video! I haven't yet had the chance to visit Brazil and you have only made me want to get there sooner!

  18. While it is always a little strange to actually see and hear a blogger you have previously only seen in still photos and read, I loved your video! It kind of made me a little sad for you that you have to leave this part of your life behind.

  19. All right, all right. I'm still getting over a cold. And I procrastinated doing the video, so I only had an hour left of daylight - I was in a hurry. And Ouro Branco was giving himself a sink bath. And Mr. Squishy was throwing crackers. I was distracted.

    My Man says I sound so serious - like I'm bearing my testimony. Maybe I'll post a video of me dancing the Funky Chicken next time.

  20. So great to hear about Brazil and to see you on video! These vlogs are fun.

  21. You made Brazil sound like a wonderful place. So many nuggets of information - this was a very interesting video!

  22. You got me a little teary eyed! I loved hearing about Brazil! Thanks for sharing this video! It's great to meet you!

  23. Wow . . . you are just amazing. I would've been stumbling and stuttering over all that but you are so dang articulate! A great summary of the country and people you've come to love, too.

    Nice to "see" you!

  24. Girl, me thinks you are too hard on yourself! First off, YOU ARE adorable! Seriously. Second, You were highly informative AND entertaining...what's not to like??!

    In fact, I liked you so much I am off to read more of your posts!


  25. Very cute and informative! I had no idea Brazilans loved Americans.

    I've been living in Cabo for 6 months and miss peanut butter and chocolate everything...when you do find peanut butter it's just not the same and it's not with chocolate! ;-)

    you did a great job!

  26. I watched your take 2 video first, so I was totally loving the original! I would probably have to script it, too. Love it!

  27. Brazil is now on my list of places to visit. Sounds like a great place to raise the kids.

  28. First off, patiently waiting for the funky chicken video!
    It was really nice to "hear" you. I've been so inspired by your posts, and it is personal to actually see and hear your voice.

  29. I saw both videos tonight, and I don't think you're too nervous in this one. I liked what you had to say, and I actually got the vibe that you're a more confident person than you think while I watched it. (In a very good way--So there :)

  30. Such a nice perspective you offer here. I especially love the ending. And I'm curious -- what originally took you to Brazil?

  31. WOW! You are beautiful and eloquent! How delightful to finally HEAR what you sound like!

    If I did that, it would just prove the point that I'm a hill-billy. :->


Go ahead, make me smile.