Wednesday, February 25, 2009

People say the rising generation is in trouble. I say they don't know the rising generation.

Let me introduce you to one of the main reasons our ward rocks:

These are our young men. Priests (16 &17) top row, Teachers (14 &15) middle row, and Deacons (12 & 13) bottom row. They are all recently arrived from camp, which always takes place during Carnaval, to "take them out of the world," so to speak. It works.

Did I mention they are almost ALL recent converts?
Did I mention eight months ago we only had three?
Did I mention that there are young men pictured who have stopped drunken fathers from killing frightened mothers?
Did I mention that there are young men pictured who have been held at knife point while their step-father attempted to rape their sister?
Did I mention that there are young men pictured who have to deal with drug dealers at recess?
Did I mention that there are young men pictured who walk 3km on dirt roads to get to the bus stop that takes them to church?
Did I mention almost all of them are the only members in their family?
Did I mention that I get goosebumps every time I see them in white shirts and ties, when I think of how they looked like gang members a few months ago?

Did I mention that my heart wants to explode?


LisAway said...


Did I mention I got goosebumps while reading this?

Floyd said...

That's awesome. You and your family are going to look back and be amazed at the difference you were able to make in SO many lives.

johnny said...

what lisaway said.

Debbie said...

What a great post. Do you think you might do the evening news a few nights a week so we can get a dose of good with our bad?

Karen Mello Burton said...

With my son currently serving a mission in Kenya, I am all about missionary work and strengthening recent converts. Thanks for this post. You made my day.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

So, so inspirational. Thank you for sharing. Something like this really validates your work in Brazil, doesn't it?

Love the ties, btw!


Annette Lyon said...

That just totally rocks. There's no other way to put it. Wow.

Jan said...

Did I mention that this is what it is all about right here.

I adore this. It makes my heart sing a song of eternal bliss. All of the obstacles and the Gospel still rolls on.

Thanks for the care share girl. And I hope your heart holds up :)

Kristina P. said...

I love hearing missionaries who serve in Brazil because the work is just booming!

Thanks for sharing this!

Wonder Woman said...



janae said...

Wow. That is amazing. Your boys make the ones in our ward here look pretty pathetic. It is amazing how an easy life makes you complacent. Those trials are probably what makes them so strong. Your hub must being doing a great job as bishop. Kudos to your ward!

Randi said...

What a fantastic post. This one I'll share with my young women for sure!

Becky said...

Amen, sister!

Boy Mom said...

For obvious reasons I believe unfailingly in the goodness of boys and men! THANKS for sharing.

in time out said...

can i just say THANK you. What a reason to smile, and be thankful. Thanks for being there with those boys. Take care of them, and you. lovely.

Erin said...

That is so neat! What special boys.

Our Loved-up Family said...

Did I mention... that post was AWESOME!

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

My son is currently serving in Campinas Brazil, his best friend is serving in Recife, and another good friend is in Belam-

Makes me teary! The fruit of the Gospel is very good indeed!

Andrea said...

I just found this mormon mommy blogs through a friend's blog and came across yours. We have just moved to LA after living in a very small town in AZ and it can be scary and overwhelming. But I also can relate. The young men in our ward are awesome and so strong. Your post made me cry. The church can change lives. Christ changes lives. I am originally from Argentina, so I love to read about the church in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and surrounding countries.

rebecca said...

I usually just lurk, but I had to comment today. My first thought was "Dang what a huge YM group." Then I read the rest of the post.


There is something to be said for living in the fullness of times.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Amazing. I'm happy now.

Amber said...

Wow. What amazing young men.

nikkicrumpet said...

I just got choked up reading this. I hope all of those brave young men become missionaries...can you imagine the impact they could have. God bless them all!

Stephanie said...

Love this. Proves to me that God saved plenty of his strongest spirits and scattered them around the world in ways and places we would least expect. He knows they'll rise above it and set His work on fire. Awesome stuff, dear. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Our YMs org is so much smaller than yours and maybe not as dramatic but the kids are great and I HATE hearing people complain about the little things that they do wrong. And they're not even doing things wrong, just differently. I'm glad those boys have you around to appreciate them.
btw I found you on Mormon Mommy Blogs.

Elizabeth said...

I LOVE SEEING YOUNG MEN IN WHITE SHIRTS!!! Dude, the hotness factor of righteousness is... whoa. That's what it is. Righteous young men are "whoa" hot.

*hugs to you* Tell your man he's doing awesome. Because, I mean, obviously. I know him.

Kellie said...

This is such a great post and gives me more hope for their generation.

Rachel H said...

That seriously made me cry! That is so WONDERFUL.

LeShel said...

hooray for a rising generation of stalwart boys. thanks for all you are doing.

Synergy Girl said...

W O W ! ! !

Randi A. said...

Goosebumps are right.
What a powerful picture and post. My oh my!

Unknown said...

Completely in awe. God is good.

Mark Hansen, LDS Rock Music said...

Some times it makes me think about how often we're mocked for not being as permissive in our local laws. I also think that much of what we read about here also happens in America.

Mark Hansen, LDS Rock Music said...

It also makes me want to go up and hug my sons before I go to bed.