Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Guess where I was yesterday (and the day before)


This makes me happy.

Do you love how you can totally tell I tried to alter my bathing suit to make it more modest? ME. TOO.

So we played with the beach ball....

Took some naps ....

Drank some coconut water (nature's sports drink ....)

Got all cute ....

Made some muscle men ....

Caught some waves ....
Made some castles ...

Planted some boys ....
Kissed a lot ....
Brazilianed it up ....

And came home.

Why is it that two days of vacation equals a week of clean-up?


Katrina said...

Oh I'm jealous of the beach! I'm off to the cold Northeast today!

Brooke said...

I wish I could go to the beach! It's my favorite place. Clean-up stinks! I hate that part about vacations!

LisAway said...

Lovely! Sounds like a dream. Love the coconut!

Jan said...

A day at the beach. I can dream through you. Love the alteration.

Lara Neves said...

Fun fun fun!

And that is the worst part of vacation. coming home to clean it all up. Sigh.

Kathy P said...

Love it -- how fun! Except for the laundry part.

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

I am so jealous! ;o)

Deb said...

Thanks so much for sharing the pictures! How wonderful!

And yes, the equation is any one day of vacation will take two days to clean up after, said days increased when the vacation was at the beach...

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am so envious I could just spit! I am freezing right now!

Erin said...

How fun! That coconut drink looks awesome. We are taking a four day vacation this weekend, and I am not excited for the laundry pile when we get back.

Tamra Watson said...


It snowed yesterday...hard. Ice everywhere! Desloation. ugh.


Tamra Watson said...

By the way, if I do your laundry, can I come next time?

J. Baxter said...

Thank you so much for the post-vacay shot. It makes it so much easier to not covet when I look at beachy laundry.

(Glad you had fun!)

Melanie Jacobson said...

Love the alteration considering I thought Brazil originated the immodest bathing suit, but here at my beach, the locals have taken it to a whole new level.

Kim L. said...

FUN! I wish we would have done MORE of THAT while we were there. Almost every time we saw the beach in Brazil it was with you. Have you been to Ilha Bella yet?

Heather of the EO said...

You need a vacation from your vacation. But WOW, it looks like it was soooo worth it!

Harmony said...

Your life is so much more interesting than mine. I'm sure glad you have a blog so I can live vicariously through your good weather and adorable family!

Randi said...

I was so incredibly jealous right up to the last two pictures. And then it hit me again that they ALWAYS end the same way, don't they? With a giant mountain of laundry, wondering if the whole thing was worth it...

(looks like it was!)

Rachel Sue said...

I did that with my swimsuit too. Why are the modest ones always ugly?

Aquaspce said...

how weird is it that I totally thought I commented on this post this morning?
Anyways, it looks like you had a ton of fun!
Love you!

Barbaloot said...

K-I was just thinking before I read what your wrote under it that your swimsuit was totally cute! And also---if the Brazilians are calling you fat, then I sure as heck better stay away from them because I do NOT look like that in my swim-suit:)

nikkicrumpet said...

You are so dang cute! And I totally think the modification of your bathing suit is the most adorable thing EVER! It so took me back to my years of growing up in Utah where every girl I knew and myself included had a lace inset in almost every shirt we owned!!! I'm also incredibly jealous about the beach. Not that I couldn't go to the beach if I wanted to...but I'd have to wear a snowsuit!!!

nikkicrumpet said...

You are so dang cute! And I totally think the modification of your bathing suit is the most adorable thing EVER! It so took me back to my years of growing up in Utah where every girl I knew and myself included had a lace inset in almost every shirt we owned!!! I'm also incredibly jealous about the beach. Not that I couldn't go to the beach if I wanted to...but I'd have to wear a snowsuit!!!

Mike and Jen said...

Three babies from that body?! I will never believe it - you look hot!

Anonymous said...

Very Cute Pictures :) I love the Muscular Sandman!!!!!

Mac said...

Absolutely loved your blog. I'm a foreigner living here in the states. Okay, not quite as exotic as Brazil, but as a lassie from cold, rainy Manchester, England - I really do feel like I'm on vacation every day. Well almost - I still have laundry like you!!! ;o)