Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy birthday to me!

So I'm comin' up on 200 posts - which really, really surprises me. I've been doing this blogging gig since January 2008, but I didn't get REALLY into it til about nine months ago. (Read: that's when it became an anti-depressant ....)

And since I completely ignored my 100th post, a giveaway is in order.

I'm making up a whole "Best of Brazil" pacakge, which will include:

#1 neccessity for every tourist - Havaianas: The Brazilian flip-flop. They come in all colors - the winner can choose size and color.

Maracuja (you would call it passion fruit) juice mix. You can't get it in the States, and it is my favorite juice EVER.

Brazil has THE best hair care products. So luxurious. (Winner will tell me hair type - straight, curly, color treated, etc.)

Pao de quiejo mix - these are those 'cheese balls' you can get at Tucanos. Yummmmm

Brazilian sweets. Their chocolate is soooooo divine. (And no, Tamra, you can't enter more than once.)

Other Brazilian souvineer-y stuff as chosen by me!

I reserve the right to take a while to send it - I'm too cheap to send it from Brazil, and I'll make my husband do it next time he goes to the States for work.

Now for the REAL challenge.

I'm curious to see how many comments I'll get - my statcounter recently topped 300, and I want to meet all you lurkers who drop by here, invisible. So I will ONLY send a package out if I get past 100 - so it will be in your best interest to tell your friends! (Don't forget to leave your email address in the comment if it's not in your profile.)

If, by some miracle, I pass 200 comments, I'll send TWO packages. Be amazed. Be very amazed. (Comments will be closed Friday the 20th!)


mechan said...

I will be the first one. I love giveaways. I hope who ever gets it loves it. I sure could use the flip flops. Due to cancer my feet swell real bad and I can only wear certain shoes. flip flops have become my best friend in the summer

Vanessa said...

How fun! I'm shouting you out on my sidebar!

kristi said...

Ok, everything looks wonderful!!!!! How about if I don't win (since I am your cousin it is ok to randomly choose someone else :)) you still bring me some of those things the next time you come and I will reemburse you. Now that you have showed them to me I want them :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love Brazil! Does that help my chances? How about the fact that my Avo was born in Sao Paolo? :)

Brooke said...

Ohhhh, all of that Brazilian stuff sounds amazing! I would love to win!

Katrina said...

Oh, pick me, pick me! Those flip flops are amazingly comfortable. And everything else sounds wonderful!

Megan, Peter, and Benjamin said...

You are so funny!! I love that you are embracing this whole blog thing! I need to get back into writing more. All the stuff you are talking about sounds WONDERFUL!!! Miss you!!

Annette Lyon said...

Happy bloggy birthday!

I'm what, #8? A lot of people better comment already.

Christa Jeanne said...

Oooooh, comment!!! :) I so enjoy reading your blog, m'dear. Brings a grin to my face every day. Love you!

Just SO said...

How are you going to send me the flag eye? I want this give away. Please? Please? Please? I'm going to shout you out on my sidebar as like Vanessa. Because I want to be like her and also in hopes it will sway you or the random number generator to pick me.

Erin said...

What a fun giveaway! Here's hoping you top 200!

Shauna said...

How exciting!!! Please count me in :) I l♥ve your blog :)

Emily said...

Looks like fun. I love trying new stuff. Count me in.


Michelle said...

I just found your blog yesterday through a friend of mine and i'm HOOKED! I lived in the Azores a few years ago and have some portuguese experiences of my own; my dad went on his mission to Brazil. I am going to be sending him a link to your blog!

Thanks for the laughs and the confirmation that motherhood IS a good thing!

Michelle said...

just in case...

Megan said...

My husband served in Recife and has told me of these things. Your giveaway brings lore to reality--especially the maracuja! Obrigado!

Jocelyn Christensen said...

I studied Portuguese in college, but never got a chance to go there (boohoo!) I sure would love to receive a few pieces of the "best of Brazil" in the mail!!! Thanks!!!

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

Well! Congrats on Post 200! I hope you have a wonderful week-

Did you ever get my reply email to your Brazil Rocks email?

maryp said...

i would love to live in brazil! you are so lucky! i hope i am lucky to win your giveaway!!!

Stephanie said...

Alright, bring on the Brazilian treasures! Do I get extra points for not being a lurker and leaving you lots of happy comments in the past? :) Congrats on 200 posts.

Reyna said...

Sorry, I'm a lurker. I should probably introduce myself. Hi, I'm Reyna. I live in Chicago. I "work" from home, which often means I read your blog. Love you!

Jan said...

This is all encompassing. I am going to lose my breath because of the excitement. Yippee... woot woot.

Kristina P. said...

Count me in!!

You should enter my giveaway. You can win a Snuggie! Think how amazing that would be in Brazil!! I'm sure you're never warm enough.

Michelle said...

I'll do my part to help this giveaway happen...I'm #24! And just in case email is crazysheli77@aol.com

The Armstrong Article said...

I found your blog through a friends blog, and I "lurk" everyday to see if you've got something new to read. I'm always entertained, so thanks. Anyway, I hope I win!


Mommadj5 said...

Do I count as a "lurker?" I read your blog everyday and only post comments once in a while! So you are randomly picking a winner? What a tough choice - I love all your bloggers and feel like I know them! Lots of love, Mom P.S. Love the picture of Geny - say Hi and give her a hug for me.

LisAway said...

AWESOME! Wow. I want it all! (and I'll give an American address)

Anonymous said...

I've had you on my Google Reader since a link from Reva a while back. I'm Canadian, but I also used to be an expat; you never lose your homeland pride. I would love love some Brazilian goodies if you should pick me! book_betty@hotmail.com

Korbi said...

pick me pick me!!!! Brazil rocks!

Lana said...

i just found your blog and have enjoyed looking at it the last day or two! maybe the newbie will be the winner :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Do you ship to Canada?! =D Pretty please?

Randi said...

What a fun thing to do!
Happy bloggy birthday.!~

heidizinha said...

even if i don't win, will you please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please bring me some pao de quejo? and flip flops? and anything else? since i didn't ever make it there, which i'll regret for the rest of my life.

Kristi said...

Oh my goodness, I would kill to win this! My hub's used to have awesome brazilian flip flops (he served his mission in Florianopolis) and they broke a couple years ago.... sad! We LOVE your blog and want to get down there soooo bad!

Kristi said...

oops, I forgot to leave my email... kristilthom at g mail dot com ;)
And, I did a post... lets see how many people we can get commenting!
Since I never win ANYTHING I will have my fingers crossed!

Kathy P said...

Wow... I am getting close to my 200 and I wasn't going to do anything fancy... but maybe I will rethink it now! :)

MNM: Mangum Family said...

Awesome! I too am a lurker, but I love your blog. You are great. My hubster served in Goiana and loves everything Brazil! He would move there in a heartbeat if I would let him. He absolutely loves Havaianas and Maracuja...I would love to win this for him!

Kimberly said...

Super cool! I love Brazil :)

kimberjam at gmail dot com

Julie Beddoes said...

I have never been to Brazil but I have several friends from there. I would love to try some of this out and tell them I got to try it!

Sarah said...

Well you know I read you :)

Wonder Woman said...

Excellent goodies! I'm so glad I found you and your anti-depressant.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Oh, I'm all over this. I'll my honorary MIL too. They served as the MTC president down there for a while and I know she misses some of this stuff. Cool giveaway.

Joni said...

Count me in on the give-away. My husband served his mission in Brazil AND today is our anniversary. Those are some cool prizes.

Kati said...

Every time me and my hubby go to our local Brazilian place (Braza Grill), I completely load up an entire plate with those "cheese balls"! :) Can't imagine tasting some straight from the source! :) Please add me to your list. katipenner@peoplepc.com

rebecca said...

I am mildly jealous that you get to live outside the US. Then I remember all the things we have here that (if its like Central America) are almost impossible to find there. Like tampons. Ok that alone is enough to make me glad to live in the US.

Becky said...

Sign me up!

Claire said...

I heard about your giveaway from Kristi... What a fun giveaway!! Good luck reaching 100 comments! :D

Bonnie said...

I am in. I checked you out after you won the MMB award. I love reading of adventures in other lands. Thanks for sharing. I would love to win those things. My email is bonbon at gmail dot com.

Lisa Fox said...

OHHHH OOHHHH pick me pick me. I would LOVE it all. And i would tell everyone how lucky i am! Good luck to all the entries!

PTA board said...

All I can say is oooohhhh, aaahhhh. pricedancer@hotmail.com

The Prices said...

ooops, hunter hawks pta is me...forgot to switch accounts.

Deb said...

I would have commented anyway...

Congrats on your blogday!

Heather of the EO said...

200 lovely posts!

Now send me some stuff. :)

InkMom said...

I lurk, I read, I want.

Love it!

Jen L said...

Here's to post 55! I've heard great things about those flip flops, and I've never been to Brazil! Crossing my fingers here in the Finger Lakes!

The Watsons said...

So since I will probably never get to Brazil I would love to have a little part of it! My mom looks at your blog too and she calls me laughing all the time about some of the funny things you say! Keep up the funnies and your boys are adorable!


Hel said...

Hmmm.... are you too cheap to send to Australia. I know I would be. Good thing I have contacts in the U.S.

Count me in... I could use a good pair of flip flops

Unknown said...

Now, that is just too cool!! Put me in the drawing!

Lisha said...

Not that you'd be able to send any of those items to Australia, they're rather strict at customs here, but I'll help your numbers grow. Number 57 I think.

Aquaspce said...

YAY! I so want to win this :) I don't enter many giveaways, but I'm not going to lie, I love sandals :)

Tamra Watson said...

Can I get the Sonha de Valsos regardless? Pleaaaaasssssssse?

I actually have one in the trunk of Steve's car--thanks for reminding me how much I LOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVE them, (and you of course)

Kim L. said...

Yeah, I could use a fresh dose of Brazil. Maybe you could throw in a pirated dvd for the kids.\"/ Miss you.

Stephanie said...

ok I read your comment on Jan's blog. I love packages.

janae said...

I'm. a. total. sucker. I confess that I think the whole 'give-away' hype on blogs is STUPID. I don't want your junk.

Except I do. I do want your junk. A lot. So count me in. :)

Deanna said...

Great giveaway! I'm gonna go tweet to spread the word!

Phannie said...

Pick me pick me! I don't really have a good reason except that it would be nice to see somethings from Brazil. I have never been there, but I've heard that it's a nice place. I think that it's wonderful that you are spreading the Brazilian love.

stephanieandmarshall at hotmail dot com

templework said...

As the mother of 2 RMs (Recife - 10 years apart! SMILE)
we're all excited!!!


NatalieHemingway said...

Alright! I'm in and REALLY hope I win!! Good luck getting to 100! You're almost there actually.


Carl said...

My wife said I HAVE to comment so you can reach 100!



jarca said...

She's a Bossy Big Sister!!!


Boy Mom said...

You're to cute Happy blog therapy celebration.

Thanks for the sweet comments.

Melonie said...

What an AWESOME giveaway - please enter me! I came across your blog thanks to this contest, posted on Hall Pass. :-) I just finished up doing a "box of goodies from Japan" giveaway. Fun stuff!

I'll have to come back and read more during little man's nap time - neat blog. :-)

mckell said...

I'm one of your lurkers! But i regularly read and love it.

Brooke said...

I'm here for Megan Hall, but honestly wouldn't mind winning myself! brookefresh@gmail.com

Anne said...

Anne Jensen (annejensen86@gmail.com)

Sharon said...

What is the criteria for winning? I need rules! Outside of that, pick me because I just started reading your blog and you totally rock.

I cut and pasted your Feb. 14th marriage tips into my journal. Wisdom for the ages.

I should totally get that stuff. sharon.mcpeek@gmail.com

Natalie said...

Count me in!

Joan Novark said...

Can you send child-sized Havaianas for Snookums? Oh, wait, she can get them from her papai's family...


Rachel Sue said...

ummm, yeah. So I want that. Does it have to be random? :)

Anonymous said...

Just pick me and let's say it was random.

Yeah, I think it's a great idea, too.

nikkicrumpet said...

You're getting there....I sure hope you make it because that sounds like a killer prize!! Congrats on hitting the big 200!

The Farmer's Wife said...

I am all about some treats from Brazil!!!

Amber said...

I just want the flip flops- and the weather to wear them in!

The Lawlor's said...

I'm new to you...
Your stuff looks cool...
I hope I win...
If not, boo whoo.

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

My husband served his mission in Brazil and would love those things! I think I could suffer through the chocolate...for him. ;o) I put your button on my blog. It's just so cool looking, how could I not?! Happy 200 posts!

Karen Oros said...

I would so love to be included in this!
Thanks so much,

Katrina said...

By the way... was it really your birthday yesterday?

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love, reading your blog! The funniest ever. I have a co-worker from Brazil and everything you say about them and the culture fits her to a tee!! I would love to win your drawing! PS. I am Roger Watson's mother in law.

Anonymous said...

Looks like an awesome package!! Let's pick it up people...we need more COMMENTS!! :)

Emily said...

It all looks so great! Add me to your list. I just found your site from a friend. It is very fun to read. Keep up the good work!

jas.n.em (at) gmail (dot) com

The Motherboard said...

Sweet! Go put your little giveaway in the Mr. Linky on the MMB... that should get your more traffic!

Dani said...

Im # 93! Thats pretty good. The most comments ive ever gotten on one post was 20.
Im a lurker, my names Dani :-)

Susan Anderson said...

I'm all about Brazil...AND packages.

So count me in, even though I am brand new to your blog.


Clyde said...

WOW! Love your brazilian package but I'll be more than happy with JUST a giant duffel-bag of bolinhas do queijo mix. (maybe some add-in cozinhas can help. :) Muito Obrigada!!!

gina said...

I have been lurking for a couple of days; I laughed so hard at your bodily functions post that I cried. Since then, I have been faithfully checking your blog and constantly amused. I even told the story of your toilet mishap to my family, they laughed until they cried. Hope I win, the stuff looks amazing!

angela said...

my sister served a mission in brazil--lived there for 18 months or so, and i would LOVE to give the prize package to her just to bring her back to a part of her life she absolutely loved.

Fig said...

PICK ME! I go to Tucanos just for the cheese balls.

Anonymous said...

I'm a lurker no longer. Count me in! lisastassforth@sbcglobal.net

Anonymous said...

100 Baby!!! Pick me.

neosigma said...

Woo-Whoo! I'm the one-hundredth commenter! Having spent 2 years in Brazil myself, this site brings back some memories. I especially miss the coxinhas or a good pastel =)

Janene said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past month or so. You are a great writer. I didn't realize how many other people read it too. Wow!

Joey Day's wife, Janene.

Jenn said...

I'm mostly interested in the juice and the chocolate! I love trying chocolate from other countries!

Nikki said...

Wow! Congrats on 200 posts! Yeahhhh!!!!

And sure, sign me up for the giveaway. I like food stuff and pretty stuff too.

charrette said...

Okay, we've already passed 100, so that guarantees SOMEONE will get this killer package of wonderful things from Brazil. You're making me want this. Seriously.

But...no Guarana? Really? Okay, I know we can get it here, so I'm okay with that.

ikkinlala said...

May Canadians enter?

gigi said...

I happened to pop over from the Crazy lady's blog and I like what I see. This is fun.
My nephew just came home from a mission in Brazil, well two weeks ago now. Elder Ashton Ripley, from Alabama. Really cute kid.
Congratulations on 200! Way to go girl.
Throw my name it the pot and I'll be back!
Blessings on your day!

katie said...

Wow, what a great giveaway!

Brasileira said...

Oh, oh, oh! Sign me up for this good stuff!
My sister owns one of the blogs nominated on Mormon Mommy Blogs last month, and she recommended that I check out your blog. I have been checking it out every day since!
I served a mission in Brazil a few years ago, and I just love it. I enjoy reading your comments and remembering all of the wonderful and annoying things about it! You often express my thoughts exactly, just worded better...
Anyway, I want that stuff... Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I just found your blog, (working from home rocks), read until my eyes crossed, and now coming back to enter, pick me pick me pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(trying my little boys tatic of begging;) Thanks for all the time killing while I was "working"! I have you bookmarked and will be back!!

kura2025 said...

Holy maracuja mousse, batman! I could die happy with some passion fruit juice...and new flip flops.

4handfulls said...

I am so happy I found your blog! Congrat's on 200 posts!

Tobi said...

I found your blog on Mormon Mommy's Blog and I love it! You are seriously have a dab hand at writing. I love your punchy style.

I'm also of the opinion that blogging is a "natural" anti-depressant!

Rock on Mommy Blogger!!!!!

Jennie said...

I just found your blog and WOW!! I can't wait until I have some serious time to read even further back. Congrats on 200 posts! And how generous of you to offer all those fun gifts!

Stepper the Mighty said...

I also just found your blog, and also enjoy it greatly!

I should probably win because I never win anything, and brazilian hair products sound VERY decadent.

And I also have a thing for pot stickers (aka Gyoza at my house).

Jill said...

Wow! I'm a first time reader and this sounds so fabulous. What a fun thing to get.

Kaylene said...

I found your blog when I went to vote for another blog on Mormom Mommy Blog. Congrats by the way.
I started reading the other blogs that were finalist and got stuck on yours.
Your writing is cute, insightful, and inspirational. I ended up voting for yours instead.
I really never intended to post, I like being an unknown blog stalker, but I just can't resist.

Leslie said...

Yay for fun prizes from Brazil! Love the Mommy Blog post!

Tiffany said...

you're too generous! I love your blog and never win stuff like this...but I'll post just in case. :)

veronica said...

I saw you on Vanessa's sidebar and came over out of curiosity, but I stayed because I like what I see! I need to read more so I can find out why you moved to Brazil!

The Butler Family said...

ooooh pick me :) christinembutler at hotmail dot com. you're so great!

Beth said...

This is the first time I have ever seen this blog. And I love it. My husband went on his mission in Brazil, we visited it on our honeymoon, and we hope that his job will continue to pursue some work there so that there is a chance we'll get transferred there for a few years. Both of us love the Brazilian people as well as all the stuff in this package! If only you could send catupiri (I have no idea how to spell that), but the pao de quiejo will suffice! What a great blog!

Pancake said...

Oh Pick me Pick me!! I had a good friend from Brasil and she used to have the BEST choc and there was a soda that was oh so yummy too!!!

Melissa P said...

I found your blog through Vanessa. Your giveaway sounds awesome. I love your writing style. I checked out your blog besides the contest. I love your bathroom story. It is hilarious.

Jennetta said...

Love you and your blog.

Carla said...

My eyes are watering, my mouth is watering, my soul is thumping . . . so I'm adding you to a post of mine. Oh the things a brazilian girl misses once she is not in brazil anymore. . . tiks, tisk . . . can we do a trade off? I'll send you some pb and j, licorice and some other wonderful stuff for your goodie bag. Ahh . . . and the water works starts again. . .

Bethany said...

I just found your blog and hope it's not too late to enter because that sounds so cool!

Chris said...

I just found your blog too :) I enjoyed reading, & love your writing style. I'll be commin' back for some more smiles daily. :)

Shantel said...

I am good friends with Steph at Diapers and Divinity, and I heard about your blog from her. I think being her actual - I go to the gym with her - friend should totally make me the coolest commenter here. (he,he) I love your blog. Stupid Question: Why are you in Brazil?

jess said...

I LOVE Brasil. I lived in salvador for a 1.5 years and have been back twice... I love the people, the culture (although it is rather 'different' at times), the food, the language, and the gospel brazilian style (you know what I mean!) I just found your blog and am so anxious to read more!!

Ruth said...

Very fun... I especially want the hair care products. (My hair is curly and dry, just in case I get lucky!)

TheVillamorFamily said...

(just sent a comment but it showed an error....so sorry if it comes through 2x)! I just found your blog from someone else who just found it too! You are making people smile from all over the WWW! You are a great writer!!Loved your post about RS...can't imagine how scarry it was to attend church that first Sunday as a "misplaced American"!

Hope you have a happy birthday!


Lorraine said...

I am also a first timer. Apparently everyone wants your gift bag! My dad and brother went on missions to Brazil. We had 2 exchange students from there and I lived there for a few months when I was 16. I can't wait to find out who wins. GREAT WRITING! I am adding you as a link on my blog!

Kristel said...

Fun, fun, fun! You are very entertaining. Thanks!

Stephanie said...

What an amazing give away! :) Count me in!

Dani Dooley said...

I found your blog through mormonmommyblogs and I can't stop reading. I've always wanted to live somewhere exciting and exotic--I live it through you. Thanks. And thanks for the exciting giveaway, count me in. I'm danidooley at yahoo dot com. And my blog is http://dooleysdoodles.blogspot.com

Jamie said...

I'm a lurker. But I'd like to be a lucky lurker.

Square Root of Family said...

Just send a can of guarana and I'll be happy with that! :)

Merissa said...

Hi there! I really love reading your blog. Your boys are so adorable, I can't wait to meet them in person. LP looks just like Your Man when he was little!

Miss you guys!

Synergy Girl said...

Okay, so when you said..."and no Tamra, you can not enter more than once..." I was like...HUH?? I have NEVER met another Tamra with the same spelling!! Well, I won't enter more than once even so!! Hoping for some FABULOUS gift from the land of Brazil!!

Lori said...

Please enter me in your fabo giveaway. I would love to win... I'm from NC and my email address because I know I'm going to win is lori@esinc.net.
Glad to meet someone living in Brazil... Stop by anytime...

holley family said...

HEHEHE, that's a great idea!

Elizabeth said...

Well, I doubt it will get to 200 today, but you challenged me. I must needs post SOMETHING. And you know my email addy. ♥

Andrea M said...

I love Brazil too. I went there for the very first time in July of 2008. I was invited there to attend my former foreign exchange student's wedding. Her family flew me down there to attend her very special ceremony. I was part of her wedding party and had the time of my life. She even hired an interpreter for me during the ceremony and reception so that I wouldn't feel left out. Brazilian weddings are the "bomb". The Priest was the brides uncle and it was very special. They even sang one song during the ceremony in English for me. I was honored. I can't wait to go back to Brazil.