Today's Mommy Tip is a simple one - good for a rainy day or to occupy a pre-schooler at church.
Just cut out simple shapes from cardboard and punch holes in it. (In and of itself a fun activity.) Wrap tape around a piece of yarn or ribbon to make it easier to thread and ta-da! Toddler sewing.
(We always. Always. Sew cars or trucks.)

I like this idea a lot. I'll try it with Princess and Sven Jr. this summer...
I love this idea. I used it a lot when the kids were smaller (did I just say that? That makes me sound old)
I have a friend that will laminate pictures of Christ, punch holes around the edges and then let the kids "sew" during sacrament meeting.
I suppose you can do that with any picture.
Great for the fine motor development too!
I remember those days. They aren't near as cute as you cut outs are though. I think I used some floppy cardboard or something. And they were always hearts. Yours are much funner for boys.
I bought some little plastic lacing shapes for Sacrament meeting fun and the kids still love them (although technically Aaron's the only one that's supposed to be playing with toys at church. . .)
Your cars are a billion times cuter than our colored shapes.
Your Mommy Mondays make me nostalgic for when my kiddies were littler . . . and I *should* have done more things like this with them!
I know what I'm making for church next week!
This is a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Yippeeee! I'm definitely doing this for the Fish. Great idea!
i love this idea!
I just popped over here from Jen's blog, she and I grew up together...
thanks for sharing the sewing project...
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