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Friday, March 13, 2009
You guys wanna caption all my scrapbooks for me?
Head Nurse or Patient - you be the judge
, your caption for "Mr. Squishy's new look" made me laugh the hardest with "drop the camera and nobody gets hurt." (Though they all made me giggle.)
You are welcome.
Newer Post
Older Post
Starring Little Prince, Mr. Squishy and Ouro Branco
Random sampler of MOI - posts that I'm not TOO embarrassed about
A neighborly visit
All things excrement - *readers beware*
Cancer of the soul - post about depression
FAQ about Brazil
I put on waterproof mascara this morning.
Love and marriage, love and marriage
Mrs. Incredible
Rising Generation - the reason our ward rocks
This would never happen in Detroit
Unsolicited advice
Who I Am
You know those moments when ...
It's pretty here
This cake is one of the reasons we live in Brazil
Join us!
If I'm gone for a while, it's probably their fault
Look at the purdy purdy button
If you're interested
My Awards
Don't be a lurker - COMMENT!
My writer's fix
Tune in every other Wednesday
Past ponderings
Past ponderings
May (14)
April (21)
March (34)
February (21)
January (25)
December (17)
November (10)
October (23)
September (18)
August (7)
July (2)
June (9)
May (8)
April (11)
March (10)
February (12)
January (6)
Perks, man. Perks.
There is a method to my madness
Angels among us
Cancer of the Soul
Coolest Mommy on the Block
Fun Schtuff
He's the Reason
Life in These Brazilian States
Mormon musings
The Big Move
This deserves its own label
Those Darn Kids
What's Cookin'
This is us