N/d n/s LDS married couple seeking n/d n/s married couple to hang out and have fun. Occasional outings, but most likely chilling in the living room. Casual, laid-back personalities essential. No need for appointments. Becky must click with the woman. My Man must click with the man. Must love to laugh. Must love to talk. Must love to eat food. Must love games (particularly Guitar Hero, Settlers of Catan, card games, and Scattergories.) Same child-rearing philosophy preferred. Willingness to vacation together a plus. Girl can't be too hot.
Please send applications to watoozi at yahoo dot com.
*Why is it so hard to find a couple that BOTH of us like BOTH of them?!Image from here.
I soooo hear ya! It is sad cause really everyone has to like everyone and if not.... ya!
I would love to be your Significant Other couple!
So funny! We have only had real luck with one other couple. Why is it so hard to find friends? My husband and I would like to respond to your personal ad! But I have to warn you I am pretty good at Guitar Hero!
you would get along great with my husband and me . I rock . And I am your average looking girl so you wouldn't have to worry
Ug, amen I have this dream of having this couple we adore and we go on trips with and then all the kids are grown and we hit up a cruise to the Bahamas like a bunch of teenagers.... and yet, if he like's him, I can't stand her and vice versa. Except we totally dig yous guys!!
You should move here. I'm serious. I am AWESOME at Settlers and Scattergories.
oh the joy of good friends!
Good luck! It's hard. Usually only one of us likes part of the other pair, but almost never everyone likes everyone else.
Why is it so hard? Because you don't live in Tulsa.
But, really, story of my life. Before I moved to Tulsa. Good luck on the hunt.
We have an awesome couple that we LOVE hanging out with here and I am seriously bummed to leave them. I have great girlfriends out in Utah and I am excited to be closer to them, but none of their husbands are matches for mine. Finding that perfect double match is hard!
I hear ya. We've got that couple, but non-LDS. Move back to MI. We'd give it a shot!
Amen Sista'! Right there with you.
Love the personal ad! Isn't that the truth? I have the same dream! Moving to Utah?
Come on back to MI and I think DH and I meet that description! We also have trouble finding couple friends.
AMEN! I can only really think of one or two couples that we've met in our ten years of marriage, living in 4 different places, that totally click with both of us.
Good luck!
the husband and i often discuss this. we have had a few great friend couples over our marriage. and our best one just moved away. sad.
maybe we could work something out. i think we could be great friends. all four of us.
I hear there are some pretty cool people in AZ -- you should check it out!
No really -- you should check it out!
I was with you right up until the Settlers of Catan.
And then there's the 3000 mile barrier.
But other than those 2 things, I definitely want to apply!
We would be perfect, except I am hot. We are lucky in that category; we have friends we have had since high school and we all get along. Even our kids get along, and thats saying something since our oldest ones are 12 and 11. For a while, when our kids were all really little, we had some discord with child rearing, but we powered through that. My hubby is a great guy though, everyone seems to like him. That factor makes up for my total hotness.
Works for us... as long as you don't mind being in the middle of nowhere when you visit!
What you really need is 2 couples, so one couple can watch the kids while the other two hang out.
I wish we had one of those couples. And they lived close. (Sometimes the concentration of LDS in Utah is appealing)
Can I apply?
I know what you mean about it being so hard to find a couple that both of us like. It is such a pain.
I also know what you mean about the girl not being too hot.
Sign us up! I totally already told you to move to Missouri, we'll be "bff's".
I absolutely get what you're saying though, my hub and I always feel like we have no friends, and it's a total bummer!
You forgot to mention "lives in the same country," but I guess that could be implied. We would absolutely love to hang out, and I think we fit your description pretty well. We're always trying to get people to go on vacations with us especially! Are relatives eligible?
I can think of 3 couples like that (for us) in 10 years of marriage, so yes, it's rare. Plus, even if you do find one, sometimes the juggling of small children makes it almost impossible to get together anyway. We've finally found one now that it's working out with fine and it's a blessing. Good luck! You're always welcome here for a weekend of fun, games, and plenty of food. :)
Dear Watoozi
Re: BFF application request
Casual, yes. Laid back, definitely - though wife admittedly enjoys getting in to holidays; or really any excuse to party (see: Friday the 13th shindig). Man and Wife thrilled when friends drop by unannounced (wife thrilled beyond ability to express when friends drop by unannounced right after she's just cleaned the whole house - and has cookies in the oven (Yeah, it's happened! Okay, once). Stepper feels she and Becky would click delectably. Stepper's man very likeable and easy to get along with. Both love to laugh. Both love to talk (though Stepper, not on the phone). Both love to eat (and cook) food. Both are addicted to Guitar Hero and Catan - and would require that you try a few of our other favorites: Ticket to Ride and Pirate's Cove. Love card games (grew up on card games - maiden name, in fact, is Card) and Speed Scrabble. And Knurtz. Which is a card game, but deserves it's own catergory. Both love game nights full of friends, chatter, and almond m&m's. Philosophy is that children should be reared. Always looking for a chance to get away. Girl DEFINITELY not too hot - but does practice good hygeine.
Would also consider sharing bargain shopping finds, favorite easy-but-looks-hard recipes, and babysitters (especially if you're going to the movie with us).
As you can see, it was pretty much meant to be.
Thank you for your consideration.
Stepper (and her hunk).
Addendum: living in same country optional.
that's my comment. all of it.
I hear ya! We never agree on couple friends :(
Move to Texas! We'll play Apples to Apples and let kiddies rampage!!!
My parents had that trouble a lot with the whole living-internationally thing. Wonderful, wonderful people. But HUGELY different ideas of what is fun to do, what is interesting, etc. We've had a lot of luck and have a good handful of couple friends. I just wish we had more groups so we could all party together. It seems like the couple we like don't really like each other. Does that make sense?
Oh, and YAY for gamers! Its becoming a lost art. We *love* Settlers. Scattergories was my favorite for a good decade, too. I also love the lying/make up games like Balderdash and Malarchy. I nearly wet my pants when we play them. I definitely think that is a sure sign of a great game, don't you? :)
I would love to hang out with you but my hubby doesn't like Guitar Hero. He does enjoy Settlers though. Darn. If in your moving you come anywhere near Utah though I will FORCE hub to like Guitar Hero so we can at least have a shot at being your couple friends.
You know we are supposed to live next door to each other when we grow up. That will fix your problem.
31 years and we have never had a couple that we both have enjoyed their company. We just hang with the kids. So blessed that both boys married girls that love each other and that love to be with us. The 6 of us get along great, thank goodness. Now when you mix in the Grand~girls?? That's another problem. They drive the non child couple a little nuts. They can only handle the kids a few hours and they are done. So what I am saying... is good luck with your sreach!!
I HEAR YOU! It's that the truth?! It's so hard. We have those friends and then something happens and then it's over and we're looking again! LOL... I have also thought about blogging about this very thing! (or fb) and I think we'd be surprised how many other ppl are also looking for this very thing - the comments prove that!:)
That is so hard. We've had the same problem. My hotness always drives people away. ;o)
Actually....my husband speaks portuguese so you guys could all discuss my hotness with each other and I could still be humble about it! It's a win win situation!
I'd apply, but you're so flooded with applications that I'm afraid mine wouldn't even be looked at. ;P
My parents have about 4 couples that they are dear, dear friends with in spite of not having lived near each other for a very long time, but whenever they're in the same area they try to get together for lunch or something and they're still very dear friends. (Now Mom just has this huge group of menopause-aged women that hang out and act like teenagers nearly once a week. They play the Great Dalmuti and the winner gets to take home the tiara. And they go on trips together. So hey, there are so many cool women who now fan-worship you, I'm sure you could at least get a ladies group together. :P (I fan-worship you, too, so can I come?)
All you have to do is move to Utah County.
We would TOTALLY mesh. We like Settlers of Catan. And have boys. And I'm not that hot.
Loved the prerequisites! I think we could be friends if you lived just a tad closer.
Now see if you could stay put, we would so sign up for the gig. We (and by we I mean I) could guarentee close proximity for the chance of a good friend! haha
Good couple friends are SO SO hard to find. Even more so when you have a "culturally mixed" relationship...hope you find your "match"! haha
I'm 99% that n/d means non-drinking. But about the whole n/s thing... non-swinging? I mean, I thought of non-sniffing, and non-stomping, but somehow I keep coming back to the swinging...
I love a good, proactive approach. Besides, with the non-hot clause you're DOUBLING the safety measures. Brilliant. As usual.
No kidding. It is always so hard to find that perfect match. We struggle too. And we have been married for almost 30 years. Tells you how lonely we are :)
We have had this conversation so many times in our marriage, it's not even funny. I love how you wrote it in ad form. P.S. I love Scattergories, Guitar Hero, and I LOVE to eat. Maybe one year we'll meet...
Easter Blessing to you and your's!
I just found you blog hopping.
We are misplaced Americans in Costa Rica. :) Already we have a lot in common.
I swear there was a King of Queens show about this.
Did you see that one?
I find here in CR I'm not as specific about friends here...my criteria, "If you speak English, you're in!"
Happy Easter!
If your add works, I'm totally taking one out... cause I'm tired of this dilemma!
Word Ver: roses. If I buy you roses will you be my friend?
My husband gets along with everybody- and has the wonderful knack of making people feel good about themselves- so he is easy. I am the hard one. One piece of advie- Do not assume you can only be friends with people your own age. Some of our dearest friends EVER are older than us- their youngest children are the age of our oldest. And we have several from different places we have lived- with only one couple who is our age. This is also helpful because I am always the baby of the group- so they all turned 40 way before me :)
You've got a long list of potentials here!
We have a hard time with this issue because my wonderful husband is not a member of the church, so it's hard for us to find cool LDS couples to hang out with. We have a few, though, that I'm working on...
HEY! we have been guilty of staying up till 3 playing settlers with other friends, who ended up just spending the night instead of traveling the 25 minutes home. fun times, and guitar hero?!?!?! thanks to circuit city's close out, CHECK! you-me! CHECK! (uhm mom of 3, so the extent of my hotness is categorized with the cuteness of bugger snot hanging out of my 14 month old's nostrils... not so much anymore) SO that being said, all that's left is me hubby and sous hubby (not a spanish major... or even minor, sorry), bbuuuuuuttt, i'm guessing (wishing/hoping/praying/planning ect) that would work out. brad's a pretty easy guy to get along with. and anyone who can handle you is worth getting to know too!
gosh how i miss younger days.... hope you're having a terrific day (my plan is to have one too!)
We almost always have this problem, too. I either really like the girl, but can't stand the guy, or my husband really likes the guy, but can't stand the girl.
Girl, you've got to move to Canada next. Seriously. We'll hang.
You KNOW that now all your friends are saying to each other, "Is it me they don't like or is it you?"
Seriously, why is it so hard to find a couple you mesh with? Me and my husband never agree 100% on our friends:( I should copy your add.
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