Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Take 2

Scroll down to watch the original, much more informative (and constipated) version of this week's Chick Chat.


janae said...

Do you realize that I am on line practically EVERY TIME you post? We must be in the same time zone. :) You're funny. And cute. In a completely platonic sense. Ha, ha!

By the way, when we moved to the Dominican Republic I was just 7 months old. And the first time my mom went to the grocery store my mom turned around and I was gone. Apparently the women had never seen a white baby before (the whole island is black) and they were fascinated with my skin and hair, so they were passing me from woman to woman around the store. My mom didn't speak any spanish and it scared the bejeebees out of her. The more I learn about Latin America the more I realize how alike all those countries are!

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I like both videos! This one is awesome particularly because of your beautiful child's head bobbing around - hahaha!

Really, you did great with both videos.

Amber said...

Apology accepted. (I'm forgetting why I needed one though).

Karen Mello Burton said...

I can't get the video to go, but I will try again later. Could you and your son get any cuter, though?

Mommadj5 said...

Oh gosh - I am laughing my head off - loved OB's "sorry" - made my day. You really didn't have to do it again - but your personality comes through more on this one - now that the hub mentions it - it kinda did sound "serious" and "testimony" type - didn't realize before exactly what it was that was not really "you". You crack me up - you know we all love you just the way you are - even all "serious"....this is one video I will be watching over and over to get my fix....

Rachel Sue said...

I like the second take the best!

Aquaspce said...

You are hilarious! And OB is so cute! And I love this version :)

Just SO said...

No apologies needed...just more videos ;)

Stepper the Mighty said...


I just want to Glomp you!

Harmony said...

Now THAT's the Becky I know and love and can't wait to SQUUEZE the guts out of next month! I friggin ADORE you, woman!

J. Baxter said...

Oh, you crack me up. And for the record, the REAL you was definitely fighting through in the original. You tried to hide her, but she was definitely lurking underneath the surface.

scrappysue said...

glomp! cool word - might use it again soon! i thought your video was FINNNNNNNNNNNNNNE!!!!! and the 2nd one too - all good

mine's public now - what a dolt i was!

janel said...

Maybe next time you can chit chat about how to apply mascara?

Tobi said...

The second video more of the goober I've come to know and love. The first video was a little "I'm giving a talk in church" instead I'm a fun loving girl living in Brazil!

Was that harsh?

Shawn said...

I like this one better---as I can feel your personality coming through---so fun and infectious!

Megan said...

I am... proud. happy. and... privileged.