See all those gooey, custard-y layers? They are carefully enveloped in sheets of moist chocolate cake and topped off with chocolate shavings so light they melt as they pass your lips.

Roll your eyes to the heavens and praise the Lord for inventing taste buds. New Year's diet: good riddance.
Oh Goodness!! Could you mail me one?? :)
I love the name for this cake. I want to gain 20 lbs and not even care. The chocolate shavings are so pretty!
Yay, you're back! That looks AMAZING!!!!
So glad you're back already!
But -- You posted all that rich, gooey goodness and NO RECIPE?
Oh, yeah, you're being kind to me. I do NOT need to gain twenty pounds! :)
I'd say post the recipe, but, I don't need it!
yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I could have a piece of that right now...
or a whole cake
you know,
either or,
I'm not picky!
Ha. You think I MADE that?! Okay, you guys obviously think more of my cooking skills than I do. No, honeys - that's store bought.
So, no recipe? You really didn't make it? Then how am I going to try it? It looks way too good not to try. I'm off to google it and see if I can find a recipe. . .
I think I might move to Brazil. Seriously.
that's almost worth a plane ticket!
Oh yum! That sounds amazing.
Do you eat/make/like brigadieros? (sp?) YUM! We love those, and I heard of someone who boils spreads it between layers of cake. RICH. And yummy.
I think it could be called, "spend $1000 on a plane ticket just to eat it and not even care cake...
Should I do it again, Spring break is coming up, (he he he)
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