I miss him every day.
A lot.
In Brazil, they start school at four years old, and it's practically all day. (Okay, it's really just from 1 to 6. But that's PRACTICALLY all day.) It's a very good school - bilingual, even. Although LP likes to correct the teacher sometimes - everyone loves a brown noser. I raised this kid right.
So now afternoons find me with just two kids. Do you know how EASY it is with just two kids? How did I ever think this was hard?My problem comes with the entertainment part of the day. LP, being the older and wiser sibling (not to mention the most articulate and domineering) generally dictates what we will be doing for play time. Our activities are usually playing pirates, playing cowboys, playing bad guys, playing restaurant, playing dragons, playing school, playing knights, or crafts. Sometimes.
LP likes to pretend.

And because we've been play-acting for the better part of a year, I kind of forgot how to play at anything else.
Now I'm left with a couple hours a day of just me-and-Ouro-Branco time. And as much as I miss LP, I am loving this time with OB. I feel like I'm just now getting to know my sweet son as a PERSON - as a real little human being with his own (big) personality. When LP is around, OB reverts back to the adoring little brother, shadowing big brother's every move and going along with whatever.
It's when he's alone that he really shines.
And I like him. I don't just love him (though I do that very much), I truly like my son.
OB is dimples. OB is sunshine. OB is easily-forgiving-cannot-stand-the-slightest-raised-voice-best-hugger-in-the-world-Mr.-Busybody.
OB is Play Time personified.
But play time is different for every age. And I seem to have forgotten two-and-a-half-year-old play lately. Here's what I know.
Play time with OB is HIDE-AND-SEEK.
Play time with OB is AIRPLANES.
Play time with OB is BIKES
Play time with OB is TIGERS.
Play time with OB is TAG.
Play time with OB is SOCCER.
Play time with OB is TICKLE WARS.
Me: OB, how are you?
Me: Wow, you're two? You're getting so big ....
OB: No, I little.
Me: Yeah, but you're growing. So what's your favorite color, OB?
OB: [dimple showing] I ... get you, Mom!
[brief tickling interruption]
Me: That's a great color, OB. What's your favorite book?
[another tickling interruption]
Me: Wow, great book. I'm learning so much. So what's your favorite food?
OB: Big hug, Mom?
[that's my favorite meal of the day]
Me: I just love you, OB. Final question. Favorite movie?
So adorable! That interview sounds very, very familiar.
That was perfect!
School from 1-6?? Wow! I think I could sort of get into that! :>
I know you don't know me...I came over from The Bingham Diaries. I just have to say that I think you are a splendid writer!!!!!!!!!
Okay...as you were...
Ha!! Keep enjoying those moments...they go by so fast.
When MayDay was born, I was amazed at how much easier one baby was than two. I couldn't believe it! It felt downright luxurious to go back to sleep after nursing only one baby.
And now, the twins are in preschool. Now, as in two days a week, and also now, as in right now. I relish the opportunity to get grocery shopping done without three kids hanging on me. MayDay has become my special little helper whose jobs are always the same: he holds my list, he helps hand all the groceries from the cart to the check out person . . . he's delightful. I expected him to bloom and flower when his brothers went to school -- I expected him to be really excited about only-kid time, but if we're not doing things that make him feel important, he mopes around and asks me over and over when ConMan and G-Dog will be home. He still has another year of being home with me before he gets to start preschool -- it's getting better, but he still misses his brothers! And, really, I'm glad that he feels like they're so necessary to his life.
Wow. 1-6. That seems rather late in the day. And I bet you do miss him.
Yeah, I used to think two was hard, too. What was I smoking??
This reminds me so much of when my older three were in full-time school and suddenly it was just me and the youngest. I got to enjoy her on a level that I never got to enjoy the others because we were never one-on-one the same way. I've almost felt guilty about the imbalance, but oh well.
1-6 IS a long time!
The way my kids are spaced I get to experience this as soon as someone starts preschool. It is fun, because you don't realize how little one on one time you get with kids (except the first one).
How cute is that interview!?! And school from 1 to 6 that is so different.
Our boys must be right around the same age. I'm kind of going through the same thing with my 4 yo in preshool and 2 yo at home with me. It's fun. I love running errands with him, or reading books with just him. Like boys, the oldest decides what to play, and the younger one is just a perfect shadow.
I love these kids. It's such a fun age. I may steal your interview idea....♥
I'm going to go play with my kids now...sniff sniff...
It's crazy the difference having one gone makes! My problem, though is that when he comes home, little sister is not adoring, she's threatened :(
How fun! Kai and I have the best days when it's just us :) It is so true that their little personalities just come bouncing out when their older siblings are gone!
Thank you for the email and comment on my blog! It made my day! (or night, or whenever it was I read it.) We have 4 girls, and in order to spend time with them one on one, we have "individual time". Mom and Dad alternate months, and each child gets a couple hours one Saturday to spend alone with that parent. Kids are so different when not around their siblings....
He has beautiful blue eyes. What a cutie.
I had just had baby number three when baby number two was starting kindergarten. Seriously, he was a week old. So the hormones out me a little over the edge and I cried for a few days sending baby two off to school. Ugh. Seems like yesterday, and now they are 18 and 13. Sheesh.
One Thursdays Drei and Isaac go to Joy school (moms trade off teaching). The first 2 times they were gone, I didn't know what to do with Malakai. Since all the play is geared towards Drei and Isaac...and Malakai just tags along, I had to re-learn how to "play" with a 2 year old. It will be SUPER interesting to watch the dynamics of our family change when Drei starts K this year.
Love the one on ones!
It is fun to rediscover somebody when the other somebody leaves. And whenever my husband and I go somewhere with just one or two (of our four), we always laugh at how easy it is to be good parents when there's just one kid.
When school starts every year and my 3 older kids leave, I am amazed at all the things my 2 little ones and I can get done! Great post, makes me want to play instead of clean today!!
I love all three of my kids but when I'm at home most of my day with my four year old he is like my best friend. All he wants to do is be with me and truth be told for the most part I only want to be with him. He is just a perfect little guy.
While Poppet is in preschool I run errands and go grocery shopping. It's amazing how helpful and well-behaved Blue Eyes is when he doesn't have his big sister to play with/rile him up more. This fall Poppet will be in (hopefully) first grade and I'll put Blue Eyes in preschool, so I'll have 6 3/4 hours a week with just ONE! Joy! (But he'll be almost a year and a half and will be getting into everything, so it may still be tricky. O_O)
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