Friday, March 6, 2009


I am reminded of a conversation I had with my brother over Christmas. Not this brother, but THAT one. The one smack in the middle.

(Isn't my family hawt?)

But Middle Brother is not only hawt, he is infinitely cool. People actually knew who he was in high school. People thought I was just wall decoration.

Over Christmas I was trying to impress him with my newly improved coolness skillz, as demonstrated by blogging. (Sort of.) Intending to leave him breathless with awe, I informed him that I have readers from all over the world.

Instead he looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"That's just freaky."



Debbie said...

Doesn't it drive you crazy when you can't impress someone? Especially with skills like ours:)

Karen Mello Burton said...

LOL, Debbie. I don't know if your family reads your blog or not, but after months and months I have finally have my mom reading mine regularly, and my one sister every now and then. But my three brothers? Ain't gonna happen.

Randi said...

Well it's not like we're STALKERS from all over the world!


Jan said...

Congrats on your win over at the Mormon Mommy Blogs. I am here to hand you the torch. I am so glad that it's you. Have fun. You are going to meet alot of new people that are terrific.

Just SO said...

That is just a little freaky. But isn't freaky the new cool? Congrats on the win over at MMB! That's how I found you.

Kathy P said...

You know what is more freaky? That we all know about your brother. :-)
That was super nice of anonymous to apologize. maybe I won't beat her up after all. Which I am actally glad for, because I am a wimp. Oh, and congrats on winning this months spotlight at MMB! You are awesome!

The Prices said...

Ya' know for as much as you talk about how nerdy you were back then, I just don't remember you that way. I guess I didn't know you at school, but You were always popular at girls camp!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I get the same reaction from my husband when I tell him about what countries I have readers in. I have a reader in Israel, and another in Egypt, and hey look...Brazil too!

He finds it creepy.


Our Loved-up Family said...

Great blog! I'm a misplaced english woman living in america so I can relate to your cultural experiences, which you think wouldn't be too big as we speak the same language - but sometimes I wonder if we do. My husband is often baffled by what I say - many funny memories are made when you live in a different culture.!

Becky said...

Stinkin' hawt brothers. How do they get to be so cool, anyway?

(Congrats on your win!!)

Boy Mom said...

Ahh brothers, they keep everything in perspective. Great post, congrats on your win!

Korbi said...

congrats on the win... I actually got my brother to start a blog, but he only writes like every month or so, but it's better than nothing. :)

Lisha said...

Family sometimes just don't get the blogging thing do they?

Well done on your MMB spotlight. A very enjoyable, funny and keep coming back for more read.

Anonymous said...

Just the word 'blog' in my real life and I get twitched eyebrows! The only person that really understands is erm, my dog!! ;)
I'd be happy to call myself a stalker to your blog are funny and cool!!!
Congrats on your win over on MMB, awesome!!!


Amber said...

I'm a stalker. Be afraid. Be very afraid....

nikkicrumpet said...

HAH only fellow bloggers understand how impressive that is! Your brother just isn't COOL enough to get it lol

The Motherboard said...

I just get a glazed over look when I talk about blogging with my family.

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

My hubby feels the same way LOL!

lizzy-loo said...

when you pass a certain age you cease to be cool - even if you really are.