Friday, March 6, 2009

Two mandates from me

First, kiss your kids.

Then, kiss your bathtub.

(Because they don't do bathtubs in Brazil.)


janae said...

Really?? No bathtubs???!! It must be the local area you are in, because we had tubs in every country that surrounds/touches Brazil. I mean, granted they weren't quite the same (sometimes in a good way, sometimes not so much). Man, that STINKS! You are amazing!!

Vanessa said...

All these things I am learning about Brazil! Who knew!

Anonymous said...

LOL I was oooh'ing and aahh'ing over your baby, that big cutie smile...remembering to go kiss my baby...then I read kiss the bathtub...i wont say what went thro my mind with that one!!! LOL

nikkicrumpet said...

OH MY...I guess that rules out my ever surviving there. I couldn't go a week without my bathtub...a long hot soak is mandatory if I'm going to actually do anything productive. You have my deepest sympanthy!

Jan said...

No Brazilian bubble baths? There goes my Christmas present request from you.

I adore that picture. Cutest ever.

Wonder Woman said...

Will do. Will never take my tub for granted again. Also because my kids love baths and I can get a lot done whilst the frolic in the bubbles.

Debbie said...

No bathtubs? That just isn't even civilized.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

And to think I sulk a little because ours isn't big enough. Counting my lucky stars!

And that is a darling picture!

Tobi said...

I could never live in Brazil!

Okay. I could.

But I wouldn't enjoy it without a bathtub to soak in once and a while.

Deb said...

All I could think looking at that picture was how little I would have to bend... my back might like that kind of tub for the kids.

For me, no.

Melanie Jacobson said...

We have a tub but it's in the boy's bathroom and you couldn't pay enough to soak in that thing. We book our vacation hotels based almost solely on the size of their bath tubs.

Boy Mom said...

What a cutie!

Wonder Woman said...

Congrats on winning the spotlight!!!!!!!!!!! We love you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that really stinks when you have toddlers!

Congrats on winning the spotlight at Mormon Mom's!

Rachel Sue said...

appreciating my 2 bathtubs so much more now. even though i hate to clean them. . .

Momnerd said...

I totally will. But maybe after I clean it.

Just SO said...

I will so do those two things. I love my tub and my kids.

The Motherboard said...

Does that yummy little critter come with the bathtubs down there?

If so, I'll take 2 please!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Congrats on your win! No tubs? Interesting. We get so used to our creature comforts here, don't we?

Shellie said...

And kiss your shower. I just saw a bunch of people on t.v. who lost their homes and they live in tents. They all said what they missed the most from their formal life was a shower.

Rachel H said...

Really, I don't tend to think other people's babies are anywhere NEAR as cute as mine (who does,right?), but DANG! He is darn near baby-licious perfecion! =)

And sorry to hear about your tublessness. Very sorry.

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

Is that a baby tub? Or is it one of the laundry wash tubs? I have a picture of my son doing his wash by hand in a sink type of thing- I taught him how to do wash- but not like that :)

janel said...

Very nice!

Jody Blue said...

Our exchange student told us they don't use dryers, vacuums and "I must have one of these, to live without I think much too hard" --DISHWASHERS!!

Natalie said...

I have an enormous soaking tub that I adore. I shall go kiss it now.

Martapix said...

Your blog makes me laugh! I am on the opposite side: a brazilian in the States (well, in Canada now) raising her kids. I complain a lot about having only these big useless bathtubs and no showers. So much harder to give the kids a bath, you have to be on your knees. Hate it! And I also thought it was funny when you said that brazilians are not strict with the kids. I feel the opposite! I am often the evil step mother when compared to american moms! I feel that I am the only one putting limits to the kids and the only one who doesn't believe in NEVER saying 'no'. In the end we must all be the same, but with different views :) good luck with the new steps of your life!