Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dr. Giggle and Mr. Snide. (a.k.a. makesmeabsolutelyinsane)

Somehow I missed that I gave birth to identical twins. You'd think I would have noticed. First there's Ouro Branco - and then there's his evil counterpart.

This is the boy that is the first to remind me to say a prayer when we get in the car. Becomes ecstatic at every opportunity to say please, thank you and your welcome. Helps with dishes. Cuddles. Holds himself personally responsible for my every whim (fetching wet wipes, setting the table, etc.) Willing to play absolutely anything. Sunshine personified. Shares beautifully. I don't think I've ever seen him get a treat without offering some to everyone around him. He is first to say sorry and becomes upset when anyone in the house is less than happy. He is, in a way, a towheaded emotional barometer. The sweetest one you've ever seen. Ever.

Also -

This is the boy who throws himself on the floor if dinner is not ready exactly 1.2 seconds after he decided he's hungry. This is the boy who has been known to scream himself hoarse when his blankie is not folded the exact right way. This is the boy who will chuck a hot dog across the room because HE wanted to put it on his own plate. This is the boy who flies at you like some deranged cat when you even threaten to put him in time out.

95% of the time, OB is the definition of an angel.

The other 5? .....


(it's just a phase, it's just a phase, it's just a phase ....)


Kathy P said...

Sounds like our second born. Exactly. He is STILL in this phase. He is 11.

Heather of the EO said...

This is totally how I feel about Miles right now. Except he's almost four. :)

Two people, totally. And the SAME thing...an absolute angel of an amazing, polite, kind, sensitive, spiritual little guy.


Yes, it's normal, but WOW it can be so confusing.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I don't think your kids and my kids could be any different in their coloring! Your son is adorable.

Two is tough. It's like there is some inner switch that gets flipped and the boy you know and love takes a small sabbatical. Sorry and good luck...

Melissa P said...

He;s got to be the middle child? It sounds just like my second son. He is very good when he wants to be but he does the exact same things. I think it is a middle child thing.
Good luck! He is very cute, even crying.

Stephanie said...

Wow, my middle boy, too. Must not be coincidence. And he's four, so I'm afraid it might be a longer phase than you anticipated. Sorry about that. I'm glad to know he's normal instead of bipolar, which was my diagnosis. :)

Jan said...

He is so great. I am still a twin too. I understand that 2 thing.

He's so cute luckily :)

Rachel Sue said...

Good luck with your phase . . . And hey, at least he's an angel most of the time. I have a nephew who is the exact opposite. And he's 4!

Unknown said...

I'm reminded of the quote..
"I trust everyone...it's the devil inside them I don't trust."
It's the devil inside that comes out of each of us. And I think the devil may just be 2 years old.

J. Baxter said...

Gosh, I bet you're hoping it's just a phase...

(My eight year old FINALLY stopped the whole screaming/throw-myself-senseless-an-the-ground-bit. Surely by the time he's twelve things will be looking better...)

Brittany Ann said...

When I was little I was a lot like this. My mom used to recite that nursery rhyme...."There once was a girl with a pretty little curl right in the middle of her forehead, and when she was good she was ver, very good. And when she was bad she was horrid." The good news is that 100% perfect now, so chanes that Ouro Branco will turn out the same way are good. ;)

Unknown said...

I reeeeally hate to break it to you, but I have a nearly-19 year-old who fits this description. In fact, one other child I knew didn't really outgrow the Jekyll & Hyde thing until his mission, when he finally 'grew into his personality', as his very sanctified mother described it.

He's a great guy now, but those were some interesting years.

Christa Jeanne said...

Yep, that's a toddler for you. Did you see the piece in The Onion recently about how 98 percent of babies are manic-depressive? It's totally tongue in cheek, of course, but it's so true that little ones have mercurial mood swings. Hang in there, and he'll grow through it. You're amazing, Becky!

Michelle said...

That is soooo a perfect description of Nathan (well except he doesn't share very well). Like you I just keep repeating this is only a phase. Of course it really doesn't help when people then tell me...oh just wait until he's 3! AHHH!

gina said...

Yep, middle child syndrome. My middle child is exactly the same way, still...she is almost 9. But that doesn't mean yours won't grow out of it...one can hope!

janae said...

My mom named our alter-egos and called us that name when we misbehaved. So my brother Trenton was Trevor, my brother Liam was Leon, etc. I have been tempted to do the same, just because I think it's funny.

I'm with you on the toddler thing. You love em, but sometimes chucking them out the window seems really promising as well. :)

Becky said...

Gotta love two-year-olds. Our Millie girl is starting the terrible twos early, I think. She can throw a temper tantrum with the best of 'em. Good times.

Tobi said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. I chant over and over: I love my children, I love my children, I really do love my children.

Keep chanting and it will distract you from the overwhelming urge to call for a young priest and an old priest. =)

Stepper the Mighty said...

A toss up: what's it going to be? Dimples or pouty lip?

Either way, don't you just want to devour him?

Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh, but he's so dang cute :) You just gotta love him Even with the pouty face! :) hehehe

Deb said...

Princess was great through the twos. It's been the three's that we're having trouble with. She wants to do everything herself, but when she can't she gets frustrated and screams, but she won't let me help her...awful.

Dexy is 17 months. We're waiting to see what will happen. He's already showing some Jekyll/Hyde tendencies, though...

Shelley said...

Ok, so I'm no expert on twins, but maybe the way the egg split, was a little kooky! Just kidding. What is that saying "You have to have the bad to appreciate the good". Ah heck it's the toddler years. Good luck with that!

MNM: Mangum Family said...

My almost 2 year is old is EXACTLY like this...total split personality!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

This is my theory on the Evil Twin Syndrome. (It's comforting--I've had it for years--our of necessity.) When he throws tantrums it's because he doesn't have the words to explain how important it was that he be independant and put his own hot dog in the bun. He wants to explain it to you, let you know he wants to be grown up but the words are not there so he pitches a fit. I think language has a lot to do with misbehavior. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Hel said...

Ugh... I have a two year old just entering this phase and I have decided to become a hermit with my little devil. It's easier than dealing with tantrums in public (I give in way too much when I am out). We should start a "best tantrums thrown" club. Compare stories.

Stephanie (at DD) you crack me up.

Melanie Jacobson said...

I think my 18-month-old is catching this disorder.

Aquaspce said...

I have three sets of identical twins...
The first one is 9. He's my dependant, if anyone can do it, Deklan Can! The one who comforts me, the one who makes sure I'm safe, and the one who does what he's told when he's told... his twin? Rebels, fights against his younger siblings, and in quiet dispute lets me know that Deklan 1 is NOT OKAY with all that's going on in his world.

#2 Is Piper. She is carefree, and giving. Funny, delightful and full of life. The first to break up an argument, and the last to go for "dibs" if it's up for grabs. Her counterpart? Horrendous... a Little Miss rhymes with Witch and cries at the drop of a hat (or bratz doll, y'know, whatev') Yeah. I hate every month when she comes around.

The 3rd... Malachi with his gorgeous brown eyes, and humble spirit. He is quick to let us know when he needs to be on his own and out of reach and out of touch. I can deal with that. I cannot deal with his duplicate... the whiny, pouty, going to bite myself, shirt, table, whatever just 'cause I don't get my own way, the throw myself on the floor in absolute temper because I don't know how else to control myself little boy.

That's when I catch myself. Yes, he had macaroni touch his leg when he was eating dinner OF COURSE he needs to wash and change. Piper needs space - what 8 year old girl doesn't HELLO it's PMS just around the corner don't I KNOW THAT? And then Deklan, "I'm just a nine year old boy." Which I KNOW I don't EXPECT all he gives... except, he gives it all, so then, yeah, I guess I kinda do... ugh! It doesn't change, it's you that changes :)

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

Sounds vaguely familiar. I actually found a book that helped...which is surprising since I'm not a big fan of parenting books. I've also found that when she pouts I say "where's that cute pouty lip" and make a big deal out of it and she starts laughing. It's funny the things that we find to help our kids out and make our life simpler. And the nice twin sounds like an amazing kid with an amazing mom.

Wonder Woman said...

Like half the moms here.....this also describes my second born. Also a boy. Also with white blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Hot and cold, that one is. What is it about 2nd borns/middle children? He is either the sweetest thing in the room or so angry he's red and his hair is WHITE.

Are you SURE you have to move to AZ? :o)

kd said...

Ahhhhh. Comiseration.

And also, I miss living on a sweet cobblestoney street like that :)

An Ordinary Mom said...

I am hoping my four year old grows out of the phase he has been in for three years :) !!