Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Read this to your husband and he'll never complain about blogging again

How to get your husband a job - a simple how-to guide.

Step 1: Get depression

Step 2: Blog about it

Step 3: Make a friend

Step 4: Friend's husband starts reading your blog

Step 5: Friend's husband asks you to write an article about depression for his family service agency

Step 6: Friend's husband asks what Your Man does for a living (Answer: finance)

Step 7: Friend's husband and your husband get in touch with each other about open finance position in family service agency

Step 8: Interviews ensue (You and your friend are total crazies and email back and forth several times a day, barely coherent with giddy goofiness.)

Step 9: Your Man gets a job

Step 10: Move to Arizona (end of May-ish?)

Step Most Important: The Lord rocks


Megan said...

Arizona is only about 7 hours away. We can still be BFF's right?

Nothing like going from tropical to desert, eh?


Kristina P. said...

That's so exciting! Congrats!

How are you feeling about leaving Brazil? Will you change your blog name? :)

Stephanie said...

WOW! congratulations!

and i say this with a sad face and a happy face :( :)

janae said...

I vote for 'the Replaced Americans.' Just in case my vote counts. ;)

Okay, so the question is, can I skip some of the steps and/or do them out of order and still get my husband a job??

1: Depression - check.
2: Blog about it - not yet, but will. Maybe.
3: Friend - check.
4-7: Altered for our situation - check.
8: Interview - please happen!!
9: Job - please, please, PLEASE happen.
10: Move to _______. Definitely end of May. The 21st to be exact. We've got the van, we've relinquished our lease. We just have no where to go. Ahhh.
11: The Lord rocks - check.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!! We will practically be neighbors. We are moving to New Mexico in June.

Brother Tario

The Prices said...

Congratulations! I'm sure that puts your mind at ease. It's tough not knowing where you'll end up. And, you probably couldn't handle cold Michigan winters anymore. Oh, and I vote for "The Replaced Americans" too.

Stephanie said...

What great news. So glad all is working out for good! :)

Liz said...

Congrats!! That is a big "TO-DO" check off your 'What I should be doing instead of blogging' list! Are you changing your blog name?

gigi said...

Yes the Lord works in mysterious ways!! Amen!

Katrina said...

wow!!! congrats!!!

Christa Jeanne said...

YAY, Becks!!!! That's soooo amazing. I can't wait to hear how the move goes. If you feel the need to come to California and bring the kidlets to Disneyland, let me know - we can play!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claire said...

OH MY GOSH!!! When you started blogging about moving back to the States I kept wanting to say you guys should move in Arizona, live by me! But then I thought you might find it creepy since we're just new blogging buddies!! But look at that... you are moving to Arizona!! :D What part will you be living in? Phx valley by chance? I'm so happy for you guys.

Kathy P said...

You know, I think you may really be on to something here!!! This may very well be the answer to our Nations unemployment issue...

Have your people set up a meeting with the President...

Yippeee!!!!!! So happy. And yes, the Lord totally does ROCK!

Randi said...

That is SO exciting! I'm very happy for you and your family. Isn't it nice to feel like there's a plan?

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

That is a pretty good Tender Mercy- for sure. Isn't it so amazing how things happen to put our lives together- but this pretty much guarantees that you won't meet my son- since you will be moving before the end of this current transfer- bummer that- but congratulations on one of the biggies on your To Do List- that is awesome!

Erin said...

Yippee! Congratulations!

Tobi said...

If you feel the need to visit Texas on your way to Arizona please feel free to "BE OUR GUEST!!"

I'm seeing lots of comments about voting and blog names and such. Will you let us vote? I'm thinking Replaced Americans is pretty clever.


Unknown said...

Yay! Las Vegas it TOTALLY a suburb of Arizona. Yep. The whole state. It's also a suburb of St. George and L.A. We get around.

So you need to look me up! We'll do lunch and everything!

Melonie said...

This is AWESOME. Congrats!!!!

And whether it's up for a vote or not LOL The Replaced Americans *is* catchy.

trublubyu said...

yay! congrats on the arizona job.

Q'Ville said...

Hey, I'm Natalies Hardie Hemingways aunt. I have a medical transcription service. I know your mom and dad. If Steve's new employer is interested in a great transcription service, we're the ones. Ah, the power of the blog world. Dana Quenneville(president@rsdmt.com)

Tamra Watson said...

step 12: Send sister-in-law to Brasil, to help? Maybe?

MNM: Mangum Family said...

Sniff, Sniff! No Missouri for you then.

Congrats! I'm so happy he found a job so quickly. Not always so easy these days. Besides, I have loads of family in AZ, so we could totally still hook up some time!

Mommadj5 said...

Q'ville is Dawn's sister - just so you know....Dana - you crack me up...

Mommadj5 said...

Oh - and Tamra - I get to go help!!! (Maybe?) :-) Do you want to draw straws with me & Harmony? Better yet - we'll all go and have a party...

heidizinha said...

congratulations! i'm so glad he got the job. arizona is much closer than kentucky anyway.

Boy Mom said...

Congrats! It feels so good to know where you'll be.

~ Julie ~ said...

Wow - the Lord really does work in mysterious ways! Found your blog via a link from swaneesinger.blogspot.com

Korbi said...


Karen Mello Burton said...

Hey, congrats on the job! How do you feel about the move? Are you gonna stay our girl from Brazil?

Rocketgirl said...

That's so cool it actually hurts a little. GOod pain, really. Yay for blogging!!! (I'm totally taking credit for this since I begged you to start a blog:)

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

What an amazing story and so nice of you to tie it in to why husbands shouldn't complian about us blogging. You rock!

Lara Neves said...

Awesome! I am so jealous! I loved living in Arizona and I am dying to go back.

Julia said...

wow! what a blessing! what part of AZ? that's where I live!

rebecca said...

Yay! Its all so true. (and congrats!)

Julie Beddoes said...

Congrats! and yes, he does!

Sharon said...

OOOH! I'm in Arizona! I'd love to advise you - I've lived here my whole live-long life. It was meant to beeeee!

Melissa P said...

That is great news! Can't beat that. Good luck with the move.

Square Root of Family said...

Hope the boss is a nice one! Congratulations!

Just SO said...

Is AZ close enough for us to be couple friends??

SO happy for you!!!!YAY!!!

Deb said...

It is a wonderful testimony to how the Lord works in our lives. Even through silly things like blogging!

Shawn said...

Wow!! This is BIG news! I knew that you had mentioned leaving, but I didn't know that things were finally firmed up!

Are you getting excited yet?

And Arizona? Hmmmm---I have to be honest in saying that that is one place that I would have trouble living---you see, I LOVE trees!!

Congrats! And thanks for checking in on my blog----I love it!

Hel said...

I think I'm doing that list backwards.

Here's hoping in a year I too can exclaim "The Lord Rocks!". Just don't know what his plans are at the moment. I wish He would just TELL me!

Congrats on the move. I'll be here for moral support. We have moved three times in the last 1.5 year (jealous?). We are visiting our family in AZ in June. We could totally bump into each other!

Rachel Sue said...

Darn. Not really though. When you said that you were moving back to the states I kept secretly thinking "maybe they'll move to UTah and then we can be friends." Oh, well. Blogging friends will just have to do.

Hey, at least the weather will be about the same right?

Congrats, by the way. I know that must be such a huge relief. The not knowing is always the worst.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Awesome! Yay for you! And Heavenly Father.

rad6 said...

What a great story! You are doing something right for sure!
Way to go to both of you!
Love Arizona!

Unknown said...

I'd say that that is the best blog success story I've ever heard.
So...what will you do when you're not the "misplaced American" anymore!?

Lori - Blondie in Brazil said...

Congratulations! That is great news. I'm sure you have mixed feelings about leaving Brazil, though. We are moving back in October, but with having only been here for 2 years I'm just really excited to be going back. I'm sure there are some different attachments and feelings considering how long you've been here and the work you do.

Jocelyn Christensen said...

Sniff, sniff...but we NEEDED you in Pennsylvania! :)

Brittany Ann said...

Wow! That's so great! Arizona is great, too. You'll love it. My MIL is from there. Congratulations!

Vanessa said...

does this mean that you will no longer need the crappy services of you incompetent security guard? sweet.

Mormon Mommy Blogs said...

That is incredible! Congrats.

I wonder if I could find my long lost millionaire cousins by doing blogging. humm....


Kristi said...

Hooray for AZ!!!! We are in AZ! Maybe I will get to meet you in "real life"!!!
What a great success story of blogging;)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Dang...I was kind of hoping you'd end up further north...ah well. The Lord does rock indeed!

mckell said...

Yaya! I'm so stoked for you guys. Love to blogging and Love to the Lord. And love to you! I'm texting my hubby right this second to let him know.

Jennie said...

Wonderful news! Congrats!

nikkicrumpet said...

VERY COOL! And you'll love Arizona! So amazing how things just work themselves out....with a loving boost from the man upstairs!

Wonder Woman said...

Oh Girl, I am so happy for you. This is truly amazing. And I know some amazing people in AZ, so I'm happy for you. And a little sad. You have to tell us (me!) when you come to Utah for a vacation.

Loved your depression post. Is it in your side bar? I don't remember the title, but I think it should be something more people read. Very honest and healthy.

And a question for you: I am close to someone that I think may be chemically depressed. I know it runs in the family. But this person doesn't take medication at all -- not even cold meds. Cuz this person can be silly. So what would you suggest this person (or someone who loves them) do?

gina said...

Good for you! We have friends that live in AZ, maybe we can visit them and meet you! Or you could come to us..open invite. I wish I had been reading your blog when you went through depression. I am a therapist (masters level social worker) and work for LDS Family Services. I love what I do and helping people with issues like that and more. Wow. Thats a big move. (that was a subject change btw-lol) I hope it all goes smoothly for you; I can't wait to see your childrens' reactions to living in the States!

J. Baxter said...

Wow - at number SIXTY-ONE!!!! I think I'm a little late to this party. But seriously, you must be so excited to be coming back to the land of Cherrios again.

And now, what are these steps??? We've been out of work for two and a half weeks, so I could totally do the whole "depression" post...

Wendyburd1 said...

Wow that is amazing! And I am glad more people are writing about their depression, makes me feel less alone at least!

Heather of the EO said...

The Lord does rock.

And so do you.

Square Root of Family said...

Holy cow! I have to check back on this post once in a while to see how many people feel bad for you for moving to Arizona!

Nearly 65 comments so far and you aren't even giving away chocolate! That is crazy.

Anonymous said...

I've been so depressed and stressed and freaking out. I've even blogged about it but no jobs have come forth for my hubby from it. Yet. You're so lucky the waiting game is over and now you can plan and move on. I really really hope I get that before I go screaming into the wild naked or something.

Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

Maybe I'll start checkin jobs in Arizoney.

As for the blog name, no clue. Sorry.

charrette said...

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

And Arizona sounds awesome.

Susan Anderson said...

Great news for you and your husband. As usual, the Lord's plans can take some interesting directions!

Bethany said...

Congratulations, that's so exciting!!!!