Wednesday, April 8, 2009

On our front door this morning

That's My Man and Little Prince painting Easter eggs. Which we will be doing tonight. As long as Dad's not late.


Shantel said...

Oh my Gosh you look like Megan Follows.(Anne of Green Gables) Wich is good. She rocks.(and she is a hottie) But bad. My husband had a huge crush on her in the sixth grade. So I dont let him read your blog. JK -he is too busy. Lucky for me!

Stephanie said...

That's hilarious. We're actually doing the exact same thing for FHE tonight. It's Matt only night without class, and my kids are wishing him home early from work too. :)

Tobi said...

Your making me feel guilty. I never let my kids dye Easter eggs. I don't let them carve pumpkins at Halloween either. They are only allowed to paint pumpkins. I feel like the number one contender for Worlds Meanest Mom.

Very cute picture that LP drew for his Dad!

Brittany Ann said...

Aw! Cute! Your kids adore you. How darling is that?

Jocelyn Christensen said...

nICE...wE NEED ONE OF those on our door tomorrow night! Have fun!

Unknown said...

That is sweeter than any Easter candy out there.

Rachel Sue said...

So very very sweet. My kids have expressesed similar sentiments, as have I!

Melissa P said...

That is so cute. Pretty cute hint for dad.

Erin said...

LOVE the artwork!

Boy Mom said...

That is one giant Easter egg, almost looks like a giant Easter Potato Head. Way to go Little Prince.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

That is too sweet! Love the creativity!

Shelley said...

I don't usually get to stop by your blog but every few days. You have great posts! Love your photos, love your mommy inspirations, love it all!

Tamra Watson said...

Ten bucks says he'll be home :D.

Karen Mello Burton said...

My kids are all daddy's boys, and I love it. They sure need time with him.

Lara Neves said...

So cute! I'm sure Dad will be home.

Kathy P said...

That's just AWESOME! Kids love their daddy's.

When Tim was in grad school and had to work the grave yard shift, S -- who was our only one then -- asked if we could go to the store and buy a new daddy. I guess he didn't like the hours daddy kept! :)

Annette Lyon said...


Mommadj5 said...

Oh man - so cute - but is Dad's heart still beating? Talk about a knife in your heart - try to make sure he doesn't feel guilty for working late because of the circumstances that you told me about on the phone!! Little kids don't understand emergencies!!! They just want Daddy - yikes! Says a LOT about what kind of Dad he is though - (that they want him so much :-)...)

trublubyu said...

that is so cute! i love the notes my kids leave for us.

elesa said...

Awesome. That is a huge egg they are decorating!

nikkicrumpet said...

THAT is too cute for words. I wonder if that would work on my hubby???

LisAway said...

Darling! I hope nobody gets smashed flat by the monster egg. I can't believe you've never blogged about the size of eggs in Brazil. I would never have expected that. :)

Whitney R said...

Oh that is SO cute! Don't ever throw it away :)

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

I would bet that had the end result LP wanted- children have a way of getting what they want when they ask so nicely.

J. Baxter said...

I just played catch-up on your blog - you've been a busy girl!

(love the poster)

Anonymous said...

Oh, man. Sounds like someone needs their daddy. Hope life gets simpler one day.

Bethany said...

Aw, that's sweet! Definitely a keeper :) Hope you got to paint the eggs!

gina said...

I swear I commented yesterday; I must not have done it right! I thought that your son's picture would have been good inspiration for those "family comes first" LDS commercials.

Debbie said...

That must have made Dad feel loved! What a sweet note.

Stepper the Mighty said...

That's a request Dad can't argue with!
