There is an eight foot wall around my condominium.
There is cut glass on the top of this wall.
There is barbed wire on top of this wall.
There is an electric fence on top of this wall.
There are security towers where guards with big guns keep watch.
There are more guards with big guns circling the condominium on foot.
There are locks on all my doors and windows.
And yet we have been robbed. A lot.
And we were just robbed. AGAIN. This time, he took My Man's guitar and laptop. (!!!!)
This is incredible to me. Despite all the safety measures we take, we can never be safe when we LET CROOKS IN.
We are never safe while the condominium continues to let a known thief into those gates - past the glass, wire, electric fence and big guns.
... And our own lives?
We pray. We scripture. We church. We have loving leaders. We go to the temple. We do Family Home Evening. We think we're safe.
And then knowingly let evil into our lives - through media, unclean thoughts, and allowing friends and family to sully our minds.
Don't let them in.
Only then will you be safe.
Nice thoughts. SO sorry about the thefts.
I'm so sorry. That's horrible. My car was broken into once and it was quite a learning experience. That's the most positive thing I can think to say about it.
I can't imagine how violated I would feel if someone had come into my home and robbed it.
Do you guys have good theft insurance?! The thought of someone being in my house gives me the heebee jeebee's.
Do you have an idea of who it was this time? Crazy. We had a theif at Church basketball. We caught him red-handed.
Wow. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this! But you are so right about letting evil into our lives. thanks for the reminder.
I'm sorry...for one who gives so much of herself to the world, you don't deserve to be taken from so cruelly...then again isn't this a bit like the way the Savior was treated? He gave all and took nothing. Still he was tormented, mocked and slain innocently for our sins.
My husband and I just had this discussion about what we let in on the TV. People I would never let in my house and sit on my couch and say the things they say, I let on my TV. Change is happening at our house! Thanks for the post-sorry for the robbery! That stinks.
That's terrible...being violated over and over. It's a wonder you ever feel secure there.
Good analogy...
Great analogy. Thanks for the picture, too. I couldn't believe/picture broken glass on top of a wall. Really? Wow.
May your life be safer! Mine too.
I'm so sorry that happened again. I would be so upset. I can't imagine how it affects your kids. I am a freak, I have an alarm in my house in a small Utah town.
That cat in the hat game looks fun. I am going to have to invest. Thanks for the inspiration.
Great post. And it's such a scary and violated feeling when you get robbed.
Sorry to hear that, Becks. That's awful!!! It really does feel violating to be broken into, let alone repeatedly. At least that shouldn't happen when you get back to the States! *knock on wood* Fabulous analogy, though - and so spot on.
Good grief! Again! Not the same guy?? Can you tell if any locks are broken? Confused about the family crack- what did you mean?
Seriously??? AGAIN??? Wow! I am sorry.
Hopefully things will start to look up, and more safe!
Oh, nu-uh. I hope there wasn't anything super important on the laptop (like the only copy of your kids baby pictures or something like that). I'm so sorry!
ps. for the record, I love the glass wall picture. awesome. brings back so many memories!
I'm so sorry that you have to deal with that!!
I love your analogy, though. So true.
yikes, that is yucky!
it is good you can keep perspective and learn from an awful situation. there is something to be gained in all things.
we'll pray for your family's continued safety.
I'm sorry that you got robbed again. I can't believe that keeps happening to you. I love your spiritual thought, it's really profound. Have a great Monday!
Sorry you were robbed again; but, way to learn from the experience. I wonder if the problem with robbery is similar to the reference in the Book of Mormon when the peoples treasures became "slippery" and they just couldn't hold on to anything. Darn, now I will have to find that reference and re-read it. Hopefully I didn't liken your situation in an offensive way.
I often think of your life in Brazil as I struggle lately with finances. I realize that I have given way to much time, thought and money to material things. Thanks for all your wonderful posts they bless me more than you know.
I am sooo sorry you got robbed again! How scary! Your analogy is sooo true!
Uhmmmmmmmmm... less stuff to pack when you move?
I am so sorry for your material loss
but the losses we suffer at the hands of our own personal Lamans/Lemuels are violations most terrifying.
We are commanded to hate the sin - but love the sinner...
When the 'sin' is the active proseltyzing of one's children to forsake God and their parents the feelings of violation and betrayal are truly terrifying and beyond comprehension.
One becomes acutely aware of how Father must have felt as one of his own sons led a third of his children to outer darkness.
Prayers are with you and your family.
I can sooo relate. Not to being robbed, we try to make pretty clear we lock up. The guy who owned our house before us, also a gringo, was robbed five times! We also have about five locks to go through to get into the house. His problem was his skylight, can't overlook those things ha? sounds like a gaurd problem to me for sure! Here in Costa Rica that is the problem for those in Condos, getting guards who don't let robbers in, imagine that what a novel thought. Good luck and hope you are like us also in that they aren't violent, just thieves. (Thanks for stopping by today :)
I'm so sorry this has happened to you again! But yes, when we readily let evil in, it will have its way.
AGAIN?! Are you serious! I am so sorry!
That is really scary. I don't think I could ever feel safe. When do you get to leave?
Oh man. I am so sorry. I bet it makes you feel unsafe in your home sometimes.
Thanks for the comparison to our spiritual lives too.
Again! Oh, I am soooooo sorry! That is so awful!
So last night we were having this big discussion about moving to Brazil. I was so gung ho.
Until now.
Ugh - I'm so sorry to read this.
Does this "known" burglar have some sort of key? If so, it's time to force the condo people to change all of the locksets in the houses. Or go change your own - with or without management's permission. The safety of your family is a higher priority than a lease agreement. I don't mean to scare you, but having been a cop's wife...I can attest that burglary is not always a non-violent crime. Boggled burglaries can quickly become something else if the perpetrator is startled in the act by the individuals who live there. This is especially true in the case of forced entries. (You *are* locking the doors, right?)
What is your recourse after these burglaries? Are the police and management even trying to help? Or is it coming across as a "well, you have plenty of stuff, get over it" type of thing?
that sucks! sorry to hear that. hey, thanks for being a "follower" on my blog. I have to admit, i have a love hate relationship with the "follower" thing and keep deleting mine off my page, as well as that feejit tracker thing. Then i just came to visit you and saw your blog post about you hating those too. so guess what, i'm deleting mine again! LOL! I'm glad someone out there feels the same way as me. So keep coming to visit my blog but i'm going to delete the creepy stuff. Love your blog! I'll be dropping by often! :O)
This is frightening. And so wise.
I just had a conversation with my hubby last night about this very thing. A video idea I have to illustrate our superficial safety measures...and the way evil gets in despite our best efforts.
Every time I have been robbed has been in the church parking lot. Niiiice.
Great analogy!
Was your gardener fired and banned from the condo since the last time? Argh!! I caught our housekeeper (who rocked my baby to sleep for his naps better than I could) with her hands literally lifting my wallet out of my purse one day. We fired her... but then (after a lot of discussin with her and hubby and my neighbor whom she had worked for for 15 years) I hired her back. Nothing ever went missing. Still, I can relate to the emotions.
But the best part of your post is the analogy. Kudos to seeing that, and thank you for sharing.
charrette's comment about a video (and your blog)reminded me of the seminary video of the woman with the really clean, totally decorated in white house and she opens the door and lets in people full of mud - then of course the "mud" and dirt gets all over the house a little at a time as the visitors sit and touch everything. Very effective - I remember watching it with you and the discussion we had afterward - good to be reminded again.
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