Friday, May 1, 2009


I am sick.

I hope it's not swine flu.

That would really stink.


Deb said...

Do you guys have that in Brazil?

Annette Lyon said...

Sleep! (I hope you get to, but I know that's pretty laughable for the MOM.)

Just SO said...

I'm dealing with allergies so it feels like I'm sick. Bleh.

gina said...

Too much cleaning + plus inhaling to many cleaning products + no sleep + stress + kids = sick.

I hope you feel better soon!

Boy Mom said...

Chicken Noodle soup! Stat!

I always get sick when I have lots to do.

Hugs and prayers!

Rachel Sue said...

I hope not either. Go to bed. That will help. . .

Unknown said...

I don't see "contract swine flu" on your sidebar list of things to do. So we're going to call this your immune system's attempt to help you procrastinate packing.

I agree with anyone who orders you to bed.

Hugs to you!

Lara Neves said...

To bed with you!

And it looks like you've got a good chick flick to watch. Feel better quickly!

Carla said...

Oh no. Me too. I even blogged about it as well. :( Sleep, sleep, sleep.

Shawn said...

Get to bed---what are you doing blogging?

Karen Mello Burton said...

Sorry.. feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Oh boy...get better soon!

Aquaspce said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Perpetual Mommy Exhaustion said...

I may have had swine flu, and this much I can tell you: they don't call it swine flu JUST because it originated in pigs. It makes you feel like a barnyard animal. All you can do is sleep it off. Good luck!

Whitney R said...

Rest :) But go outside in the sunshine sometimes - that always helps me.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I hope whatever it is it passes quickly!

J. Baxter said...

Well, on one hand that would not be good. But on the other, it practically makes you a celebrity! And think of me, I could actually claim to KNOW (well, kind of) someone infected with the bug of the century. So exciting.

But really, it would probably be better if it wasn't. Good luck.

elesa said...

I try and try and try to write Haikus, but I just can't!

Wonder Woman said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who uses TP for tissue.

Hope you feel better. Soon.

Tobi said...

I may or may not have had a cold last week. And I may or may not have sneezed on my lappy computer while commenting on your previous blog of box packing mania. Maybe. =)

I hope you feel better soon. A good chic flick always makes me feel better.

Amber said...

You know how you get swine flu right? I think you have to kiss a pig... so I hope you don't have it because that would imply horrible things... Get well soon!

melissabastow said...

You'll probably die. Or I might just be in a tad bit of a pessimistic mood. But even if it's not just pessimism, at least you'll go out watching an excellent movie.

Shelley said...

Sincerely praying for your well-being. Mostly because you deserve it and a little because we all deserve your fun posting!!

nikkicrumpet said...

If you grow a's definitely swine flu...and I want you to stay away from your computer screen so as not to contaminate the rest of us. Feel better SOON.