Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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The kids are in bed. The house is clean. My Man is gone to interview forty youth and I have the house to myself.

Perfect opportunity to blog, I tell myself. And yet -

is all I got.

Today was one of Those Days - completely deserving of capitilization, bold, italics, and LARGEST font. I tried everything - we went down to the indoor soccer arena and rode bikes. We played in the pool. I made a real lunch instead of serving leftovers. I put on Sesame Street. We even called Grandma. And it was still -


times three all day.

All. Freaking. Day.

My Mommy Superpower Tank is empty. My mind is blank. I feel like a gump. My face probably resembles a Willow Tree figurine:
Except without the wings and graceful dress.

I'm off to fill the tank. Pride and Prejudice, anyone?


Erin said...

I love how you explained the day in terms of "capitalization, bold, italics, and LARGEST font." So funny! And yes, I know those days too.

Jan said...

You are so darn funny girl. I am sorry though about your day. Really sorry. I about fell off the chair with your willow tree face though. Why am I laughing when I should be saying something like, it will be better tomorrow. That sun will come up, but it won't until tomorrow.

Hugging you.

Stephanie said...

I just want to say that I almost never watched TV until my children managed to put me in such a brainless state of mind that sometimes that's all I can manage to do once they're in bed. So I get you. I'm recovering from a bad Costco trip myself.

Lara Neves said...

OH yes. THOSE days. I've had several of them lately myself. Must be something in the air. Even though our air is thousands of miles away from your air...it's there.

Pride and Prejudice....sounds like some great tank refilling! Enjoy!

Katrina said...

P&P sounds like the perfect antidote to one of THOSE days!

in time out said...

I love this post. Totally get you. Thanks for sharing. Come by, I have a Valentine for my bloggie friends. Happy Valentines Day.

Annette Lyon said...

Great way to fill that tank. Mine's running pretty low. Night after night with sicks will do that to ya. Erg.

Rocketgirl said...

Oh HECK yes you need some Jane Austen!! I don't understand thoe whining - I know I would personally love that day:) Solei does the same thing. And holy CRAP there's this nutjob of a woman up here who just gave birth to ocuplets - via IVF, has no husband to support her, and has 6 OTHER CHILDREN - and she's only 33. She's addicted to IVF!! She is deluded and thinks she can take care of all of them - YES 14 kids - by herself. Go look her up, she makes me wanna puke.

Tessa Nelson said...

I know how you feel and I don't have three kids!!

Pam said...

It is okay to have off days. They are no fun though. Jared came home with a headache from work and the girls were all shouting talk at dinner. The poor guy ;(
I wish I were there to watch pride and prejudice with you and I would make my yummy kettle corn. We could fill our tanks up together! :)

Melanie Jacobson said...

After three blow out diapers, I have learned two things: don't feed the baby dried apricots and it makes me really mad if my husband is twenty minutes late from work after I just changed three blow out diapers. Pride and Prejudice sounds like an excellent cure.

Rachel Sue said...

Pride and Prejudice and junk food? Better.

Mommadj5 said...

So are you watching P&P or reading? - reading if I know you. Loved talking to you guys though - even though I could tell they were all feeding off each other. What is it with days like that - sometimes I wish I COULD make my face completely blank - I wear my emotions on my sleeve. And, oh yea - the lady with the 14 kids - who paid for the IVF and who will support her & the kids???? US!!! Isn't she on welfare???? I just don't understand some things.....rave on.....did you see my emails??

Wonder Woman said...

I had one of those days yesterday, too. I ended up writing a rant.....that I didn't publish. But just getting it out of my system helped.

Hope today's going better for you!!

Brooke said...

I'm so with you. I've never seen Pride and Prejudice. I think I may need to.

Debbie said...

Some days are really like that! And then you can hit a roll. I'd like them more spaced out:)