Friday, May 15, 2009
*News Break!*

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Emotion unsheathed

Monday, May 11, 2009
Mommy Monday
And that includes tree-climbing.
There weren't any good trees in the immediate vicinity of our house, so we had to do some hunting. Eventually we found the perfect trees for our climbing lesson.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day - and I'm not just saying that
I read about the pros and cons of pacifiers, flourinated water and breastfeeding. I can recite the 'thou shalt nots' of teaching a child to sleep through the night. Time-outs are not a stranger; Withdrawing Privleges, I know thy name.
But nothing - NOTHING - could have prepared me for this.
No one told me about having 'my heart permanently walking around outside my body.' No one could exactly explain the pride in my children's accomplishments; the feeling of a soft, little hand in mine. The way that my baby fits under my chin, our breath in sync and my skin just melting into his. Words fail to describe the joy of teaching, playing, and just being mother-and-child.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Adding Insult to Itch

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Real Time

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Take 2
Scroll down to watch the original, much more informative (and constipated) version of this week's Chick Chat.
From my house to yours
The Three Bay B Chicks are hosting a "Chick Chat" every other Wednesday about varying topics across the board. Today's is "Life in Your Part of the World." Since my part of the world is rather unusual, they asked me to participate. I was honored to do so.
Other participants include:
Sue from My Home Wellingtontown (New Zealand)
Siobhan from Wandering the World (Egypt)
Laura from Under the Sheets…Shhh (California)
Make sure to check them all out - I'm sure they don't huff and blink half as many times as I do.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The truck's a comin' on Thursday
(They do all the packing and wrapping and boxing - which is why I can still afford to blog every day. I just have to make sure it's all clean and organized. "Just" - ha!)
We're shipping almost all of our things by boat. Our container will sail the not-so-friendly seas for two weeks, and then chill out in the even-less-friendly customs port for who-knows-how-long. (Best case: two months. Worst case: six. We don't talk about that.)
Everything's pretty much ready. I have boxes stacked up in the laundry room ready to go. The couch is clean. (And I don't let anyone near it.) Dressers are emptied and clothes stacked up neatly on the floor. (Ahem.)
All that's really left to do are these:

We have hundreds. And hundreds. And I love them all.
How can I possibly choose which books to send by ship (and therefore NOT READ for who-knows-how-long) and which to take later on the plane? I can't pick too many ... not only do we have a suitcase limit, but a weight limit. And we should give preference to things like CLOTHES. (Not all THAT important, right Kristina?)
But I feel like I could no sooner choose a favorite child.
I LOVE to read. Anyone who knows me even marginally knows this. More often than not, I have a book in my hand.
And because libraries in Brazil are a joke, I've been reading the same books over and over again for five years. They have become a part of me - some a continuing appendage to my body, some an integral component of my soul.
A book reads the better which is our own, and has been so long known to us, that we know the topography of its blots, and dog's ears, and can trace the dirt in it to having read it at tea with buttered muffins. ~Charles Lamb, Last Essays of Elia, 1833
These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves. From each of them goes out its own voice... by taking down one of these volumes and opening it, one can call into range the voice of a man far distant in time and space, and hear him speaking to us, mind to mind, heart to heart. ~Gilbert Highet
"Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are" is true enough, but I'd know you better if you told me what you reread. ~François Mauriac
What books would YOU keep with you?
Lost in Translation

Monday, May 4, 2009
I'm feeling much better now, thank you
As many of you know, I teach the Marriage and Family Relations course in Sunday School. We just finished up the Marriage section and we've moved on to Parenting.
A couple weeks ago the lesson was on "The Divine Role of Mothers." It was a good lesson. I was well prepared and excited to learn together with my class.
Got to church - Relief Society first. As the first hour was wrapping up, I reached down for my lesson manual to go over the outline one more time (cuz I'm weird like that.) AND IT WASN'T THERE.
I had totally forgotten my manual at home - and there wasn't time to go get it.
Enter: fervent prayer.
I felt a distinct impression to open the Bible Dictionary. I followed it. The definition for "mother" (at least in the Portuguese Bible dictionary - don't know about the English) is as follows:
Bam. There's my lesson.
We spent the next hour discussing that one little phrase. Here's what we came up with.
- Motherhood is a God-given role
- It is a title - implying it must be earned
- A woman doesn't have to give birth to be a mother - notice it just says "to children"
- According to the Bible dictionary, "light" means "divine energy of Christ"
- Therefore, to be a mother, we must teach our children about Christ
Does this mean a woman who feeds, dresses, and cleans her children, but doesn't teach them, isn't a mother?
I've thought a lot about that.
I hope I deserve to be called one.
Mommy Monday

Friday, May 1, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
I reserve the right to delete this post once I come to my senses

I actually know this for a fact, having been declared one only yesterday. A friend in the ward is making me some dresses, and I went in for a fitting. She had to let everything out, with the comment, "Wow, Re, I thought you were skinny, but you're not. You're like a fake skinny!"
Well, at least I know my place in the world.
While I appreciate your comments of my beauteousness, I need to come clean. I only post pictures that make me look good. Duh. But really? NOT. I feel I have deceived you.
Bloggers, I have sinned.
I have a double chin.
Here's me with the camera pointing down. Instantly gives you Audrey Hepburn neck! (It also has the added benefit of stretching your arms up, thus hiding any extra sets of triceps.)

And I'm not EVEN puffing out. This is the real me in all my glory.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Game Face
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
In which I link a lot, so I'm not required to actually think
So to maximize procrastination with a minimum amount of brain power, I give you:
First off we have DaNae. Many of you know her. If you don't, ask yourself the deeply profound question - WHY ARE YOU DEPRIVING YOURSELF OF ENDLESS HUMOR AND WIT?! Many a moon ago, we were up against each other in a
Next up is Rachel. Her blog title rocks. (Trapped Between a Scream and a Hug - doesn't that describe us all?!) She is a wonderfully honest blogger and I love getting in her head. She'll make you laugh, make you cry, astound you with cleverness - and sometimes all three. Plus also she knows JaNae, who knows Heidi, who I know. So we're practically sisters.
(I would like to point out that I just used the word "cleverness." Hmmmm. That's ironic, somehow.)
And one of my favorite new finds, Stepper. She makes me want to reach through the computer screen and give her a big wet kiss on her pretty little face. I have actually gone through her archives and read every one of her blogs. Cuz I'm freaky like that. End of story.
Last today is Kara. Remember a while ago when I posted about being super stressed? She turned me on to Cherish Bound, an awesome online book-binding company that helped me whip out my Brazilian scrapbook in mere hours. The site is super easy to use, fast, and makes gorgeously professional books. Email Kara if you're interested - and mention me! She also has a blog detailing her journey recovering from cancer. Read it. You won't regret it.
Why are you still here? Get lurking!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Grumpity grump grumpy

And I'm tired and cranky and hungry and I want to play with my kids. NOT clean, grocery shop, and do laundry until sun up tomorrow. C'mon - is it REALLY so hard to keep order for six days?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Hunting of the House: Day 3

Monday, April 20, 2009
Haiku on Arizona
(I also wanted to say, "My nose is so moisture-less it tingles and hurts to breathe," but it didn't fit in the syllable scheme.)
(Also, I love this woman even more in real life, if it's possible.)
(I'm going to be a really bad commentator this week. Apologies.)
(Aren't parentheses fun?!)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Quilt - CHECK
So about SIX MONTHS AGO I was just a few stitches away from finishing Little Prince's quilt.
Then the sewing machine broke and by the time I got it fixed I was doing two other quilts for my soon-to-be-arriving-at-the-time niece and nephew, and ... yeah. It never got finished.
But it's amazing how moving really motivates me to finish up all the various projects I have floating around. I'm leaving in a month? HOLY CRAP I HAVE TO DO A MILLION THINGS!!!!
This was the simplest one, and thus the first item to get completed - notwithstanding it being the least important. I wanted to cross something off my list, people, okaaaay?! (I'm the type to put "wake up. Say prayer. Make bed." on my to-do list just so I can immediately cross off three things.)
So with only moderate ado, I give you LP's quilt!

Thursday, April 16, 2009
What's in a name?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Read this to your husband and he'll never complain about blogging again
Step 1: Get depression
Step 2: Blog about it
Step 3: Make a friend
Step 4: Friend's husband starts reading your blog
Step 5: Friend's husband asks you to write an article about depression for his family service agency
Step 6: Friend's husband asks what Your Man does for a living (Answer: finance)
Step 7: Friend's husband and your husband get in touch with each other about open finance position in family service agency
Step 8: Interviews ensue (You and your friend are total crazies and email back and forth several times a day, barely coherent with giddy goofiness.)
Step 9: Your Man gets a job
Step 10: Move to Arizona (end of May-ish?)
Step Most Important: The Lord rocks
Dr. Giggle and Mr. Snide. (a.k.a. makesmeabsolutelyinsane)

Also -

This is the boy who throws himself on the floor if dinner is not ready exactly 1.2 seconds after he decided he's hungry. This is the boy who has been known to scream himself hoarse when his blankie is not folded the exact right way. This is the boy who will chuck a hot dog across the room because HE wanted to put it on his own plate. This is the boy who flies at you like some deranged cat when you even threaten to put him in time out.
95% of the time, OB is the definition of an angel.
The other 5? .....
(it's just a phase, it's just a phase, it's just a phase ....)